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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Can someone please explain when the contracts were signed back in December ( i think ) What exactly were they signing I thought that was to agree the sale of the club
They agreed to the purchase of the club subject to two conditions being met.

Those two conditions were

1. The Council entering into an agreement for lease at FF
2. CBRE approving the transaction.

Neither pre-condition (both are outside of Ron’s control) has been met so they aren’t yet the owners.

They are now attempting to find a new deal which doesn’t depend on at least 1 (and possibly 2).
They agreed to the purchase of the club subject to two conditions being met.

Those two conditions were

1. The Council entering into an agreement for lease at FF
2. CBRE approving the transaction.

Neither pre-condition (both are outside of Ron’s control) has been met so they aren’t yet the owners.

They are now attempting to find a new deal which doesn’t depend on at least 1 (and possibly 2).
I agree on this BUT.....havent we been told that COSU are now trying to de-couple the FF part from the club purhcase,? if Ratty and son are awaiting for those conditions to be met, it dosent sound de-coupled to me and we could be waiting months for DD to come thru, Cowen mentioned 10 weeks, we dont have that amount of time left due to the bond requirements of the NL.
Thats the way ive read things i might be wrong but if so please advise me
Think it's time to give a deadline and threaten to walk. The idiot Martin's are absolute shysters and want to take, take and take again.

Just let go for once and put the Club first rather than personal gain.
Because Ron, you F'ing love this club......................remember!!
I'm sorry bored and frustrated at this whole process. It's a national league football club.

Anyone would think we are taking about purchasing a small continent.

Whilst other clubs are showing off new signings, and talking about season card and shirt sales, we are wondering if we will even start out first friendly in just 12 days time.

All of this damage by one man.

The system has to change to protect clubs from this exact situation.
Roger mate I know your only on here to boost CllrDan but this sort of ignorance is the reason why so many are surprised as to why its taking so long.

Best leave on high otherwise some of us my start explaining why CllrDan is not the messiah in this deal.
Please explain
Why is he ignorant?
Who has said Cllr Dan is the messiah

Feel free to educate us all
Time for COSU to set deadline for completion and if that isn't met then they should walk. Yes they lose there investment but its starting to look like wasted investment anyway with the rats keep moving the goalposts! This deal isn't happening and it's about time COSU realise that to. Unfortunately lads you been strung along like the rest of us.
I'm sorry bored and frustrated at this whole process. It's a national league football club.

Anyone would think we are taking about purchasing a small continent.

Whilst other clubs are showing off new signings, and talking about season card and shirt sales, we are wondering if we will even start out first friendly in just 12 days time.

All of this damage by one man.

The system has to change to protect clubs from this exact situation.
Exactly this.