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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

This is the problem with our fanbase. So fractured. You’re asking one man to go to his house and cause carnage. What happens when a group of 5/10 people go on the pitch and protest? They get banning orders. What happens if 500+ people go on the pitch to protest? Absolutely nothing - because there’s strength in numbers.

I have personally been calling for action for years and it fell on deaf ears. But can you imagine the Millwalls, the Charltons etc of the world sitting in their hands doing nothing? Similar clubs to us who have a working class, local fanbase.

The Trust aren’t to blame for this mess, that’s for sure. But I don’t think they have painted themselves in the best light by the way by their reaction (or lack of). When it comes to someone of Ron’s nature, then sword is far mightier than the pen.
If only Southend was/is working class... so much heavy industry and poverty around... however, feel free to demonstrate as it was your idea... lead from the front, the rest will follow.
I don't doubt that. But it has no impact on what has just happened. The 20 million has already been reduced, and I don't think COSU have much confidence in getting any of it. COSU will own the club by the end of the week.
I know you’re close to the consortium so are therefore very much iITK but what I’m getting told is very different, so let’s just see what happens this week 👍
I don’t think forever blue has got a clue. He decided sometime ago to say whatever was being discussed wouldn’t happen and of course for some time this has been 100% correct. Nothing in Ron world has happened as forecast… hopefully until now. It’s just another poster who doesn’t know a thing having a bit of fun trying to guess what’s happening like most of us are.
@ForeverBlue has been absolutely steadfast in his claim for over a year now. He doesn't deserve to be dug out. He implicitly trusts the person who is making the claims to him, and has known the person for years. Can't blame him for trusting a friend.

At the end of the day, if what he claims is true, it should come out in the legals. So we shall see.
I don’t think forever blue has got a clue. He decided sometime ago to say whatever was being discussed wouldn’t happen and of course for some time this has been 100% correct. Nothing in Ron world has happened as forecast… hopefully until now. It’s just another poster who doesn’t know a thing having a bit of fun trying to guess what’s happening like most of us are.
If you're right, and I hope you are, I wouldn't call raising everyone's anxiety levels 'a bit of fun'...
No he can't, it is tied in with FF which (in current plans) has to have a stadium built there first for SUFC or another before anything can happen at RH. I am quite sure @CllrDanielCowan has him well tied down on what he can and cannot do if the club fall. They have already stated if the club fall they walk.

If we fall the rat will have wait to forever for anything and he is far to much in debt for that.
I hope you're right mate. But what if he puts in a new application for planning permission? That will have to be considered on its merits and off he goes again.

The debt issue may be a huge factor, granted. But I do think that some who think that Ron has run out of money may be overlooking the possibility that he may have money elsewhere and he's just reached the limit of the amount he is willing to use to spend on SUFC.

COSU have also shown their hand now and he knows that they will do whatever to save the club.
@ForeverBlue has been absolutely steadfast in his claim for over a year now. He doesn't deserve to be dug out. He implicitly trusts the person who is making the claims to him, and has known the person for years. Can't blame him for trusting a friend.

At the end of the day, if what he claims is true, it should come out in the legals. So we shall see.
I beg to differ. He’s only ever pops up to (try) kill the mood. He may have contacts, but so far he’s offered nothing that makes be believe him.

I see what has been shared by others, and it generally seems to be accurate (as things can be). This guy though, is all doom and gloom, and offers nothing tangible other than “watch this space”. Perhaps he has information, and it may be accurate when informed, but I’ve yet to be convinced or see something accurate.

if he has accurate information and it comes true, then I will happily hold my hands up and apologise.
@ForeverBlue has been absolutely steadfast in his claim for over a year now. He doesn't deserve to be dug out. He implicitly trusts the person who is making the claims to him, and has known the person for years. Can't blame him for trusting a friend.

At the end of the day, if what he claims is true, it should come out in the legals. So we shall see.
It sounds to me you know something via Forever Blue (or his mate) which might put a downer on this, but you are not letting on.
Yet on another post you say “we are so nearly there” (post #5842).
Care to divulge?
It sounds to me you know something via Forever Blue (or his mate) which might put a downer on this, but you are not letting on.
Yet on another post you say “we are so nearly there” (post #5842).
Care to divulge?
There's nothing to divulge. Read what he wrote.
It sounds to me you know something via Forever Blue (or his mate) which might put a downer on this, but you are not letting on.
Yet on another post you say “we are so nearly there” (post #5842).
Care to divulge?
I think @Medway Blue is trying to put things in perspective, and offer a reasoned response. I wasn’t looking to start an argument, just offered my opinion.

Do any mods want me to remove them?
I don’t think forever blue has got a clue. He decided sometime ago to say whatever was being discussed wouldn’t happen and of course for some time this has been 100% correct. Nothing in Ron world has happened as forecast… hopefully until now. It’s just another poster who doesn’t know a thing having a bit of fun trying to guess what’s happening like most of us are.
Ok mate 👍👍