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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

I've gone for never as we're 13 months into the sale 'process' and still not done.

If we're not done by June, it feels like it could be one final 'wallop' after a crash and a bang.

Don't see us starting next season unless we're in new hands.
I've gone for never as we're 13 months into the sale 'process' and still not done.

If we're not done by June, it feels like it could be one final 'wallop' after a crash and a bang.

Don't see us starting next season unless we're in new hands.
My feelings exactly. If Ron's name is still above the door by the time the AGM arrives, we haven't a hope in hells chance of the NL granting us the license to play. There will be so many questions from them and hoops we just won't be able to jump through. We only just made the start line this season.

I do worry about the whole security of tenure thing as well, that Gateshead have fallen foul of on several occasions. Let's hope we don't have these issues with Ron as owner of the RH Freehold for the immediate future.
My feelings exactly. If Ron's name is still above the door by the time the AGM arrives, we haven't a hope in hells chance of the NL granting us the license to play. There will be so many questions from them and hoops we just won't be able to jump through. We only just made the start line this season.

I do worry about the whole security of tenure thing as well, that Gateshead have fallen foul of on several occasions. Let's hope we don't have these issues with Ron as owner of the RH Freehold for the immediate future.
I think there was talk of a long lease being granted in the terms. How that helps us i haven't a clue, it still means the Rat owns the Hall.

The question is just that, when do the consortium actually own RH lock stock and barrel.
certainly dont feel confident about the current and expanding timelines. Ron is still there. Not too many weeks to another winding up order as the debtors gather again for another go

So the special policy and Resources / Cabinet meetings were to be held last week to determine the sale of Fossets farm

Then lots more due diligence, Higher costs to rents and affordable Housing slashed

Then advised going through after the elections. But More details yet to be sorted out

Another meeting to finalise things though, to then perhaps delegate to another meeting?

Another winding up order >?

What an appalling spectacle
I think there was talk of a long lease being granted in the terms. How that helps us i haven't a clue, it still means the Rat owns the Hall.

The question is just that, when do the consortium actually own RH lock stock and barrel.
I thought part of the deal includes the sale of Roots Hall to the consortium?
I thought part of the deal includes the sale of Roots Hall to the consortium?
Word was that RH won't be included in the initial sale of the "club" and we will essentially be tenants until that side of the deal is concluded as a separate matter. I presume Ratty won't agree to the sale of RH, until permission is granted for his FF property empire. How long could that take!...

But like Cricko says above, it's a mess and god knows what hope we have of understanding what the "deal" actually is, or how it is structured these days.
Word was that RH won't be included in the initial sale of the "club" and we will essentially be tenants until that side of the deal is concluded as a separate matter. I presume Ratty won't agree to the sale of RH, until permission is granted for his FF property empire.

But like Cricko says above, it's a mess and god knows what hope we have of knowing what the deal actually is these days.
Goal posts being constantly moved doesn't help the situation but thats probably been the rats plan all along..... put himself into position so he can dictate and engineer this sorry mess in his favour which has now backed the council into a corner where they practically have to agree to his demands as the club future is on the line. This deal sucks tbh, the rat still controlling the club now and it's future, jeez what lovely thought.
I’m guessing people are in touch with JR and members of consortium… be nice to know if they are giving any indications towards how we should all be feeling about the likelihood of this happening?
Word was that RH won't be included in the initial sale of the "club" and we will essentially be tenants until that side of the deal is concluded as a separate matter. I presume Ratty won't agree to the sale of RH, until permission is granted for his FF property empire. How long could that take!...

But like Cricko says above, it's a mess and god knows what hope we have of understanding what the "deal" actually is, or how it is structured these days.
I presume the deal is for Roots Hall to be sold mortgage free. I expect he’d only be too happy to sell it to the Consortium with the current sum outstanding. He’s not going to have the $$$$ to pay off the mortgage until FF is further advanced, hence the lease.