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What the future holds. How you see it right now??

The sun is just starting to break through the clouds down here. Sadly, at the moment, I can see little chance of it coming out over Southend United. The possible scenarios I perceive are.......

1) (and the only good one) Martin scales down his demands and offers a deal for sale (to Kimura), which provides a chance for the club to grow sustainably. How many of us believe in miracles? At the moment, no one in their right mind would buy what he's offering.

2) Martin finds someone who will buy into his project (just a little bit) and take the club off his hands. Whilst that someone will surely f*****g love the club, the investment will
probably be barely enough to keep us going from one crisis to the next.......does that sound familiar? The continuing zombie club scenario
3) The National League pulls the rug, which leaves us, not only with few players but with no games to play. That would require someone just to turn off the life support machine.

The defining question here is, just how much does Martin need a living football club in order to fulfill his greedy dreams???
Can only see RM taking this club into extinction. I do not believe he cares about the club at all. RH and FF are his only concern. Yes i understand southend have have ground before he can build on RH but no club and offer the council a deal over cheap housing RH is not beyond possibility. Also the NL might well do whT RM wants anyway. The man has the club in a vice like grip with no way out but if we go under and start again.
My absolute biggest concern is the National League. They will generously give us a deadline (likely end of this month as others have suggested). Ron will not sell in time or gather the required funds to make payments to satisfy the NL, hence being thrown out of the league.
This I what I think too.
Can only see RM taking this club into extinction. I do not believe he cares about the club at all. RH and FF are his only concern. Yes i understand southend have have ground before he can build on RH but no club and offer the council a deal over cheap housing RH is not beyond possibility. Also the NL might well do whT RM wants anyway. The man has the club in a vice like grip with no way out but if we go under and start again.
Council wouldn’t allow that to happen, they don’t want to be associated with a city without a football club. They will end up rejecting any flats at Root Hall, especially a reformed Southend Utd (1906) FC needing a home to play.
There's only one person that can make an educated guess, and that's the guy that has blackmailed the club and it's supporters into this position.
Personally I cannot see a way forward but Con Martin does seem to have 9 lives........
Still cannot believe he got away with it yesterday, why did the judge not bring up the fact that at the last hearing our Chairman said if the sale deal had not been done he would clear the outstanding balance himself via either his business or family? Shocking !
I ran my own buisness for 20 plus years and we got into difficulties so we merged with another company at great personal cost to me and my family but the alternative of seeing our workforce unemployed, suppliers unpaid and the thought of having to look over my shoulder for the rest of my life (some people have long memories) was never an option.
This horrendous mess is down to one man with his poor buisness management and personal greed so as he continues to appear to be the only person making the decisions I think he will take us down as things collapse around him, however I genuinely hope I am wrong.
I have the upmost respect for our on the field management team and players that have stuck with us so far but not sure how much longer this will continue.
Not sure why our CEO and Stan have not taken Con Martin to one side and read him the riot act and told him what the real world is really like........surely someone needs to stand up to him !
I'm the same age as our Chairman so I should be able to understand what's driving him on but I dont.
My advise to Ronald is sell up cut your losses, accept you could have done better but there was some good times so just live off your good memories and give others the opportunity to take over our club who will try and do better than you for the sake of everyone associated with SUFC.
Sorry I cannot be more positive but unfortunately that how I see it........