MK Shrimper
Happy - I got one month of Netflix for free.
Unhappy - I forgot how **** it is.
Unhappy - I forgot how **** it is.
New laptop ready to collect around lunchtime. Goodbye, awkward typing, sayonara, stupid typos, auf weidesein, only being able to do one thing at a time on the tablet. Hello, writing properly on a good platform, bonjour, multitasking, konichiwa, actually being able to pay Youtubers through ads on ideos. Now I feel like much less of a dick.
Agreed a new contract that will keep me gainfully employed until the end of August. Or more accurately, will get me 6 months closer to retirement.
It also means I don't waste any of our savings whilst looking for a new contract, which means said savings can be used for what we want: a huge re-organisation of the downstairs of our house.
The name of the new Italian restaurant opening in Benfleet on the 11th.
Gambero d'oro
The golden prawn
My contract is up in 6 weeks time.
A few permies have been laid off so I am not confident of a renewal.
I wouldn't mind changing industry anyway so I am starting to look around.
The dream would be to work in Southend or Chelmsford but there isn't much software development done there.....
Good luck. We have a software engineer that is based in MK. He only comes into the office once every couple of weeks. Any reason you can't do something similar?
I wouldn't want to move to MK!
Working from home today and 'The Joint' by the Funky Four Plus One just came on the radio. Get funky.