Aberdeen Shrimper
The Man who sold the world
Unbiased? Balls. The only sensible choice is me, as I hate all you pikey Essex ****s equally. :)
Now that is an argument that I simply can to take on.
Unbiased? Balls. The only sensible choice is me, as I hate all you pikey Essex ****s equally. :)
I hardly think posting bile about Hindle666 on his Facebook page makes him non biased, so not a good choice in my few.
Interesting that there is an option for "one of the lefty *****" - nice that you should open it up like that as there are plenty of right wing ***** here on this site (and certainly a few running it it seems) so perhaps it would be nice to balance the ticket?
Oh dear, I hope that does not get me banned like Ian was????
I hardly think posting bile about Hindle666 on his Facebook page makes him non biased, so not a good choice in my few.
How about outsourcing SZ administration to an authoritarian state with an established internet use policy?
Instead of wasting electricity and making ourself look like t!ts debating Irate Iangate we just let the Chinese military sort it out.
Wouldnt there be some Human rights issues?
To balance the argument here Grouty, Hindle has made some rubbish comments to him like "**** off and support your local team"
If everyone on this site did that half of the members would be gone.
Off the top of my head - Swansea, Aberdeen, Uxbridge, Berrichone, Suffolk etc etc.
Mkdonalds, think about what you want before you type it out. I'm sure you still enjoy it here, just the last few days have been somewhat unhelpful.No to be fair I make sure I give it on here as well.
But you know what, I don't want it and to be frank, I'm not sure I want to be part of this website anymore.
It's so far away from what it used to be and that's really sad.
vote me in, ill ban dan of the matches sunglasses.
Sorry Dad already voted for myself, you can keep your £20 :(I bet £20 that i WILL NOT get voted for moderator.
Don't want to be a mod, but quite happily be the new Bod.
However I feel Blueblood might beat me to it...
don't worry "wet pants", the right wing ***** have been listed by name :)
Seig Heil to that then eh?