Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
He has a history of violence so they are going put him in a low category prison are they?Come on Another.... Your better than that.
He has a history of violence so they are going put him in a low category prison are they?Come on Another.... Your better than that.
He has a history of violence so they are going put him in a low category prison are they?
What? I can't say I know the background of any judges. Who was the judge on his mortgage fraud case and how do you know he is left wing?Now your embarrassing yourself. He doesnt have a history of violence. Slapping someone from the BNP does not make you category A
If five Neo Nazis had been convicted of trying to murder a prominent Muslim commentator and he ended up in the same prison on the same wing.... For a Mortgauge fraud, you would be marching in central London
No matter how violent you are considered to be they have to keep rival gangs etc apart. The prison staff were astonished when the order came down to move him to their wing.
That’s why in his most recent stay he was moved from Hull with the lowest amount of Muslims to Bedford with the highest.
State sponsered murder approved by the left. You might well be happy if he was killed but then who’s next..... look what happened to those fracking protesters.
What? he doesn't have a history of violence? For someone who you talk about a lot I'm amazed that you aren't aware of what a reprobate he is.Now your embarrassing yourself. He doesnt have a history of violence. Slapping someone from the BNP does not make you category A
If five Neo Nazis had been convicted of trying to murder a prominent Muslim commentator and he ended up in the same prison on the same wing.... For a Mortgauge fraud, you would be marching in central London
No matter how violent you are considered to be they have to keep rival gangs etc apart. The prison staff were astonished when the order came down to move him to their wing.
That’s why in his most recent stay he was moved from Hull with the lowest amount of Muslims to Bedford with the highest.
State sponsered murder approved by the left. You might well be happy if he was killed but then who’s next..... look what happened to those fracking protesters.
It's not irrelevant to discuss things without being an expert. Very little discussion would go on otherwise.A judge does NOT make recommendations or send to any particles prison. After being sent down the prisoner goes to the nearest designated prison which has space AND is an assessing establishment where he or she is assessed before either staying in that prison or being moved to a more suitable HMP. Sex offenders, high risk and such are different but TR doesn't fit into those sorts. As such arguing in posts above is irrelevant.
What? he doesn't have a history of violence? For someone who you talk about a lot I'm amazed that you aren't aware of what a reprobate he is.
He took his name from a known football thug as some kind of show of respect - and of course Yaxley Lennon had his own football ground banning order.
At the time of the mortgage fraud conviction - for which you think it is ludicrous to suggest the law would view him as a violent criminal - he had already done 12 months for assault, followed by time for a public order offence, then convicted for football hooliganism, jailed again for breaching bail conditions, convicted of assault, then protest related jail time and the false passport business before the mortgage fraud conviction.
Does that not count as a history of violence?
Does that not give a judge good reason to put him in a higher grade prison?
So he’s reprobate, with a banning order and named after known football hooligan.... Stop the world I want to get off if there’s category A people like this amongst us.... Not only that he lent his nephew a deposite for a mortgage.
What ever next he will be phoning the parents of a 12 year old girl whilst he and his mates gang rape her. Oh sorry I forgot the 1 million rapes ( some victims were raped 200 times) of white underage girls it not to be mentioned.
As your now a prison expert can you explain.... If you can only have 4 weeks in solitary as a Prisoner in the UK. Then why was TR moved several times to different prisons at the end of each 4 weeks.... He ended up doing over 20 weeks in solitary for a category D offence... mortgage fraud.
My Father was a top man but I wouldn't say he was perfect.Why do you spend weekends trying to silence those that highlight rape if your such a perfect father.
Why are you so afraid of TR..... it can’t be just London liberal classism can it ?
To be fair someone introduced the subject of the BNP when talking about the right wing in general, EDL were mentioned in connection to them and the 'Tommy' debate started up again - a lot of people have since commented.Come on mods crack down on this. The same two as ever taking over. Theresa May thread - clue is in the title.
Come on mods crack down on this. The same two as ever taking over. Theresa May thread - clue is in the title.
yes, whole chunks of discussion get moved to more appropriate threads. Its the nature of conversation that it goes off topic, but it can just be shifted elsewhere.I'd suggest you report any post which you think is off topic.(I've had some success with this in the past).
yes, whole chunks of discussion get moved to more appropriate threads. Its the nature of conversation that it goes off topic, but it can just be shifted elsewhere.
I think she is still in her job so that she gets the blame for trashing the Brexit negotiations, if her rivals in the party wanted to I'm sure they could push her out but at this late stage no good will come of it so why would anyone else want to own that?Problem here is that the Tommy Robinson thread got closed (probably rightly so).I'd much rather talk about Mrs May.She's doing a wonderful job,creating thousands more Labour voters,every day.![]()