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Zone Update The Tensions Of Us All.


Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
Guilty here as it has been doing my head in for far to many years. At times even me the most rational person on here (Cough) gets frustrated beyond belief. I still try to soldier on with the hope we have for the club to survive. The Mods on here are just fantastic with their patience to.

There are very few on here that have not been affected with this turmoil, it has gone on far to long for us all.

It affects people in different ways which of course i do not see that, humour is what keeps us all going ATM.

This weekend it should be over and we have a future. I apologise as the owner of this place if i do come across as patronising to some posts i see, beleive it or not i am only a 29 year old human and some right ****s **** me off. :Smile2:

Have faith people the pain will soon be over

John x
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Is this the confession thread john?
Think I did moan at someone a few times on here but can't remember who!.... But I'm sorry to them anyway.
(Is anyone getting cancelled?)
Guilty here as it has been doing my head in for far to many years. At times even me the most rational person on here (Cough) gets frustrated beyond belief. I still try to soldier on with the hope we have for the club to survive. The Mods on here are just fantastic with their patience to.

There are very few on here that have not been affected with this turmoil, it has gone on far to long for us all.

It affects people in different ways which of course i do not see that, humour is what keeps us all going ATM.

This weekend it should be over and we have a future. I apologise as the owner of this place if i do come across as patronising to some posts i see, beleive it or not i am only a 29 year old human and some right ****s **** me off. :Smile2:

Have faith people the pain will soon be over

John x
Joking aside I say I have a strong personality, but we all deserve medals, it not been an easy ride for us Southend United Supporters after what we been through .IMHO

Hopefully the sale will go through sooner than later, I see a big gate 1st home game of the season all in a party mood :-)
This weekend it should be over and we have a future. I apologise as the owner of this place if i do come across as patronising to some posts i see, beleive it or not i am only a 29 year old human and some right ****s **** me off. :Smile2:

Have faith people the pain will soon be over

John x
Life would be a lot less stressful if you could count!