Aberdeen Shrimper
The Man who sold the world
Most likely way to achieve independence from the Scots (and them from us) would be through a federal Europe.
Yes.....very good point mate
Most likely way to achieve independence from the Scots (and them from us) would be through a federal Europe.
I don't need a come back I will just come round your house sick it in your bum till you cry then show it to the world on TBTV
Game Set and Match Bozo
Stick ok I will insert! problem is you don't think I would but as others will tell you I am that sick.
Steak Meal !
Ok shumo , has your gravitational field upset the new proton excellrator or are you part of teh experiment.
When Pluto was reclassed did you get a promotion ?
I got a promotion when Goofy was reclassed if that helps.
No ... no its not and quite frankly young man i don't appreciate that kind of attitude round here ... begone never darken these hallowed halls of academia again BEGONE !!!
We talk about boobs mainly :D
What's with the WE??
Mr Innocent Buntrock
I hope Irate Ian doesn't read this...He will be lobbying to see the govenments spending and the next 5 years projections of how England and Scotland will be funded!!!