Where art thou Tes 🦐
Yeah I don't blame you for the comment about your offer, it's understandable to be frustrated when you're confident of a good proposal and not given the time of day to present it, then months later it's all change and suddenly the seller is open to bids. My comment was primarily that your thread was 95% insightful, only 5% could be seen as sour grapes.Not going to bite on all comments - but I think that what I said is common sense.
Take us out of it and let’s say Kimura made an offer back then. Again, it would likely have been a better offer for Ron when the gun isn’t pointing at his head.
Urgency to sell doesn’t help the seller.
Is it sour grapes? Maybe a little, of course I wanted to achieve one of my boyhood dreams - *but* it’s probably more frustration that the pain inflicted on so many: fans, staff, etc could have been avoided had Ron Martin had common courtesy to respond, sign an NDA and at least look at our proof of funds and offer.
The fact he didn’t respond, whilst simultaneously leaving all and sundry unpaid, is where my emotions in this matter are focused.
At the time we were all desperate for Ron to sell but most fans had no real idea if there were plausible offers on the table, yours seemed potentially so but hard to judge without knowing the details.
I think most fans are thankful you even tried, and who knows it may have even been part of the reason Ron eventually decided it was time to sell.