The more I mull over that statement, the more irrelevant I think it is.
You can read it in 2 very different ways. Either:
- NDAs have been signed and Heads of Term agreements issued to all 3 parties, or
- NDAs have been signed with 3 parties but Heads of Term issued to only one of them.
If it's number 2, which I suspect it is, then we're exactly where we all thought we were this morning and so there's nothing to really worry about at this stage.
We know what Ron is like. I think he likes to troll fans a little bit, and I think he wanted a way to say "I'm still in control of this situation and I have the final say" after all of the leaks over the past few days.
There are/were 2 other interested parties and I believe they are under NDAs, but I am under the impression that discussions with them ran out of steam and discussions with Kimura gathered steam. Thus, Kimura are likely (and from what I understand only) further down the line - probably far enough (although I don't know for sure) to have been issued with said Head of Terms document.
I would imagine the statement wasn't a huge surprise to Kimura if they've been talking to Ron for a few months, and they probably haven't read anything into it.
Only my opinion of course, but nothing to see here.