Return to Modnomor Mountain⭐⭐🦐
One good thing that has emerged from this thread is that it has given people the opportunity to get the angst off their chests, and the 'Elephant in the Room' has been given a good airing. The disappointing thing for me is that the vast majority of those that stand where they want don't read ShrimperZone, so they will have absolutely no idea that some get seriously aggravated by the what they do. I doubt our disagreements will be resolved any time soon, but as we are all Shrimpers we might try to get on and be polite to each other when doing the away trips. Everyone is entitled to go to an away game, it's not an elitist event where only the strong and the sure footed survive. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with doing the trip, doing a few beers and having a good time all round. Just let's all try to get on.