Topgun Pilot
He came on loan and he left - how is that a distortion of the truth.
Please do not accuse me of lying it is not called for.
distortion of the truth
noun deceitfulness, fabrication, faking, falsehood,falsity, garbling, lie, lying, mendacity, misconstruction, misinterpretation, misrepresentation, mythomania, perfidy, perversion, sophistry, spuriousness, untruthfulness
Associated concepts: perjury, uttering a false statement
I didn't say you lied. (And even in the definition you gave "lying" was only one option, so I suggest you also stop cherry picking.) I said you distorted the truth. Your post implied that we got rid of him after one match, the inference being because we didn't deem him to be any good. That wasn't the case, we only signed him to cover for one match. He could have played as well as he did last night and he still wouldn't have played again.
I think you need to calm down a bit.