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Breaking News Shaun Hobson joins Oldham

Just tweeted by Chris Phillips


And confirmed on their OS

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This was inevitable and always on the cards. Shaun has been wanting to return back up north for a while as his family are up there and who can blame him.
I really liked the guy but, he stuck with us and I wish nothing but success wherever he goes.
Not bothered about losing Hobson, was never a huge fan. It bothers me though that we can’t recruit anyone to replace him and that the most annoying part in all this

I usually agree with you a lot of the time Jon but not on this occasion. Hobson is one of the best defenders in this division, losing him to a team who’ll be up there with us (you’d hope) is a bitter pill to swallow.
We’ve known for several weeks he’d move North this summer. Decent NL defender but replaceable… if you’re not under an embargo of course…. Will be a new look back five next season.
No one is saying he's not good enough , He has wanted to go back to where he lives near Manchester for a long time, he's been very open about it. Now I'm sure the 2 main Manchester clubs don't need a Shaun Hobson, so going to Oldham makes sense for the lad, however hard it is for us to swallow.
Hobbo to score an oggy in the play off final against us would go down pretty well i reckon ;-)