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Dont worry about the trust mate, although that carried their name the current set up had nothing to do with our club, in fact Colchester United were so concerned by it's demise they made sure all the kids who had booked for courses with the trust would receive full services for which they had paid for example courses during the Summer. Cowling has made a big difference but if he left I don't think it would be that difficult to sustain now, he does not put the money in he used to and the club has come a long way in terms of self finance since the new stadium was set up and there are a lot more plans in advanced stages to make it better still. Yes our crowds are very poor and will not improve much unless we go up but as long as the club lives within it's means they will not have the issues Southend United seem to have. As I said without us die hards both of our clubs would be nothing sure you have the potential support wise to be much bigger than us, but that potential has to be managed for the good of the club and not a few individual's.
I am Southend that makes me better then you FACT