Out at 4.30 this morning and the old Achilles went pop in just under 2 miles, rest time now

You have inspired me this morning @Ricey!
Went out for an impromptu run and ended up doing 11k in 57 mins.
10km in 50 minutes 23 seconds, which (funnily enough) is almost exactly my age.
Again it was in the rain and I loved it. I even remembered to stretch afterwards!
On the Nike Plus app I use there is an achievement for running 7 days out of 7. I have never done it in the 12 years I’ve used the app. I’m going to try and do it this week.
Anyone else run everyday of the week? I didn’t think it would be good as there is no recovery time.
Not good to run everyday,especially part time runners, you should have a rest day in between, especially when starting from scratch. Most important is five minutes before and after a run to stretch out, otherwise the injuries will come. It seems mean less but will save you in the long run ( Excuse the pun not intended)
I usually run 3 or 4 times a week, but at the start of lockdown I ran every day for a couple of weeks just to make up for being less active. The extra runs I added were all just 1 or 2 miles at easy pace, but it still took its toll and I felt close to burning out. I learned that I definitely need my rest and recovery time, so I'm back to 3 or 4 runs a week now.On the Nike Plus app I use there is an achievement for running 7 days out of 7. I have never done it in the 12 years I’ve used the app. I’m going to try and do it this week.
Anyone else run everyday of the week? I didn’t think it would be good as there is no recovery time.
I've read that static stretching before running is really not advised and often leads to injury. And stretching after a run doesn't work for everyone; when I first started running I always stretched post-run for at least 5 minutes. In my first year of running I was out injured for a month or more on 2 occasions (my achilles went first, then my knee 8 months later). 2 years ago, after learning that a serious local runner who does 100 miles a week never stretches, I stopped doing it and I've been injury free ever since.Not good to run everyday,especially part time runners, you should have a rest day in between, especially when starting from scratch. Most important is five minutes before and after a run to stretch out, otherwise the injuries will come. It seems mean less but will save you in the long run ( Excuse the pun not intended)
I've read that static stretching before running is really not advised and often leads to injury. And stretching after a run doesn't work for everyone; when I first started running I always stretched post-run for at least 5 minutes. In my first year of running I was out injured for a month or more on 2 occasions (my achilles went first, then my knee 8 months later). 2 years ago, after learning that a serious local runner who does 100 miles a week never stretches, I stopped doing it and I've been injury free ever since.
I guess it works for some and not others. I'm really glad I stopped doing it - always bloody hated it anyway!Strectching always seems to be counter productive for me too, maybe just phsycological but even when playing football any rigourous pre or post match warm up/down involving stretches would invariably lead to a pulled muscle or other inury. I'm not doing it for my 6 x weekly runs either and so far no issues
On the Nike Plus app I use there is an achievement for running 7 days out of 7. I have never done it in the 12 years I’ve used the app. I’m going to try and do it this week.
Anyone else run everyday of the week? I didn’t think it would be good as there is no recovery time.
Not good to run everyday,especially part time runners, you should have a rest day in between, especially when starting from scratch. Most important is five minutes before and after a run to stretch out, otherwise the injuries will come. It seems mean less but will save you in the long run ( Excuse the pun not intended)
Not only that, you can stick yourself to the fridge door quite easily and not slide off.Just for the record, stretching cold muscles (i.e. before a run) is a very bad idea as it will increase the chances of an injury. Stretching afterwards is a very good idea though. Muscles should be warmed up for at least 20 minutes before any kind of stretching.
Think of it like Blu Tac: if you stretch cold Blu Tac it tends to snap, but if stretch warm it up, it stretches nicely.
Just for the record, stretching cold muscles (i.e. before a run) is a very bad idea as it will increase the chances of an injury. Stretching afterwards is a very good idea though. Muscles should be warmed up for at least 20 minutes before any kind of stretching.
Think of it like Blu Tac: if you stretch cold Blu Tac it tends to snap, but if stretch warm it up, it stretches nicely.
I guess it works for some and not others.
Yep made that a rule over the last few years, never drink alcohol 24 hours b4 a run, takes a lot out of the system does that.I found out this morning that even a couple of beers the day before really can affect you. I really struggled and I can only put it down to the 3 beers I had during the day when having a bbq. It was ****ing hot too!
Yep made that a rule over the last few years, never drink alcohol 24 hours b4 a run, takes a lot out of the system does that.