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Raoul Moat

He is a murderer and was given loads of chances to give himself up. I would quite happily have pulled the trigger.

What did his brother want for him, a medal?

Also he threatened to kill innocent members of the public. Good job the old bill found him. Anyone feeling sorry for him, just spare a thought to the Three people he shot.
Also he threatened to kill innocent members of the public. Good job the old bill found him. Anyone feeling sorry for him, just spare a thought to the Three people he shot.

How about all of them . He was mentaly unfit to begin with . The info wasn't passed on , the worry and stress of teh poor *******s sent out to hunt him down , and the prospect of having to know you can shoot another person and live with that . Give the police credit they did very well , they didnt send out assisnation squads, they wanted him alive . Just the way it ended, may well have not been for the best .
The reports in the press are making me laugh at the moment..

"The police used tasers... potentially causing muscle spasms that made him pull the trigger!!" - What a crock - can you spell 'compensation'? !!

"Family anger at Raoul death" - His brother thinks he could have a done a better job at talking to him instead of trained negotiators..

No sympathy here- he should have thought about the repercussions before going out & shooting 3 people...
Good job it happened the way it did as if he'd have been locked up for being a mentalist the government would have released him in 5 years as "safe" & "reabilitated"...

The people who were shot were the real victims & not this dead nutter....
Where has this stuff about him being mentally ill come from. People only seem to have started claiming this since he has died. If there was a full psych assessment then fair enough but is their any evidence this happened?
Irrationally shooting people for one , help bent on revenge , paranoia blaming others for his own actions , taking on a suicidal course of action by declaring war on police . Also most of the week has had Psychiatrist and Forensic psychologists on radio and tv declaring he was not of a sound mind.

This is terrible all round .
"The police used tasers... potentially causing muscle spasms that made him pull the trigger!!" - What a crock - can you spell 'compensation'? !!

Because that's what tasers do to you they put your muscles in to spasam , and they involuntary flip out . We wouldnt know why they did it till the report comes out but so far its reported he was hit twice . Ex police have questioned why they bothered as it was raining and fatigue was setting in and tall they had to do was wait .
Because that's what tasers do to you they put your muscles in to spasam , and they involuntary flip out . We wouldnt know why they did it till the report comes out but so far its reported he was hit twice . Ex police have questioned why they bothered as it was raining and fatigue was setting in and tall they had to do was wait .

Did he involuntarily shoot the other people then, guess that was the nasty police's fault as well.
I couldn't resist knocking this up.

Where has this stuff about him being mentally ill come from. People only seem to have started claiming this since he has died. If there was a full psych assessment then fair enough but is their any evidence this happened?

I'm no psychologist, but who in their right mind goes round killing people?
I don't understand using Taser when the use of a baton gun would have been far more appropriate.
Irrationally shooting people for one , help bent on revenge , paranoia blaming others for his own actions , taking on a suicidal course of action by declaring war on police . Also most of the week has had Psychiatrist and Forensic psychologists on radio and tv declaring he was not of a sound mind.

This is terrible all round .

Not all round Osy, the one that blew his brains out was spot on!!
"The police used tasers... potentially causing muscle spasms that made him pull the trigger!!" - What a crock - can you spell 'compensation'? !!

Because that's what tasers do to you they put your muscles in to spasam , and they involuntary flip out . We wouldnt know why they did it till the report comes out but so far its reported he was hit twice . Ex police have questioned why they bothered as it was raining and fatigue was setting in and tall they had to do was wait .

'What a crock' being the unlikely (& pathetic) reasoning that he may not have meant to kill himself but instead was caused by the electric discharge...

'Ex-police' weren't there confronted by an irrational maniac with a firearm..
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Did he involuntarily shoot the other people then, guess that was the nasty police's fault as well.

Thats not what we're talking about here . What he did was wrong and terrible what happened to him likewise could be a **** up (remember the coppers who shot him propably didnt intend it or maybe though **** his shot himself ! ) . What needs to be learnt from this is 1) IF a prison has a warning and passes it on to police acknolwedge it .
He was there for 6 hours surrounded by coppers out of range in flak armor with bullet prove shields snipers and hard skin cars . The ex coppers we're observing and we're ex So19 and the sniper unit their assessment was he was no threat except to himself .

Had he wanted to kill himself he would have walked out and shot himself in front of everyone . 6 hours says he was probably thinking about it.
At least it all ended up for the best - we as taxpayers now don't have to foot the bill for his incarcaration plus the conclusive ending to the stand-off meant precious public resources were not needlessly wasted.

He looked a big lump though - wouldn't want to be the poor git carrying that wooden overcoat..
How about all of them . He was mentaly unfit to begin with . The info wasn't passed on , the worry and stress of teh poor *******s sent out to hunt him down , and the prospect of having to know you can shoot another person and live with that . Give the police credit they did very well , they didnt send out assisnation squads, they wanted him alive . Just the way it ended, may well have not been for the best .

A gun-toting maniac who has threatened the lives of innocent people is dead. Sounds a fair ending to me Osy
Ex police have questioned why they bothered as it was raining and fatigue was setting in and tall they had to do was wait .

They had already waited 7 hours! LOL They could have still been there now! He had every chance to drop the guns and concede defeat. It was clear he was only going out 1 way. Good IMO. Just another loon off the streets.

Oh and his brother sounds like a right ****. How did he intend to 'save' him? If Paul Gascoigne armed with Chicken and beer can't save someone, no-one can
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