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Player Contracts 2023-24

I include hyperlinked sources for all contract lengths.
That's a really good idea - one that I had never noticed, as I read the OP on this thread but can't have ever hovered the cursor over it.... and consequently I just never noticed the hyperlinks.

I might not be the only one. This is just a suggestion, but could you maybe add a couple of sentences at the top of the post please, to point out things like the hyperlinks for the less observant among us? :Thumbs up:
That's a really good idea - one that I had never noticed, as I read the OP on this thread but can't have ever hovered the cursor over it.... and consequently I just never noticed the hyperlinks.

I might not be the only one. This is just a suggestion, but could you maybe add a couple of sentences at the top of the post please, to point out things like the hyperlinks for the less observant among us? :Thumbs up:
No, I hadn't either!
Interesting that Bridge and Ralph only signed on until 2025 whereas most others are here until 2026, imagine we'd definitely be happy to tie Bridge down until 2026, Ralph equally so just with the caveat of fitness record.
Interesting that Bridge and Ralph only signed on until 2025 whereas most others are here until 2026, imagine we'd definitely be happy to tie Bridge down until 2026, Ralph equally so just with the caveat of fitness record.
More interesting is that Gus hasn't yet signed a contract extension, although it does appear we have a club option on him for an extension to 2025