Sid Broomfield, groundsman extraordinaire.
Still looking for articles about Stands or Roots Hall being built.
Here is an article which was in "All at Sea" awhile ago:
Sixty years ago Southend United and their supporters had mixed feelings about the proposed move to Roots Hall
JUNE 1954 - Southend United supporters would be well advised to overhaul their umbrellas as United Chairman alderman Smith in a special statement declared “Southend United will move to Roots Hall whether the stands are up or not even if we have to take our own umbrellas”.
Sir – The club appears to be drifting into liquidation. Regardless of these facts the chairman says we will move to Roots Hall whether the stands are built or not, expecting fans to give up the comforts of one of the best grounds in the country to go to a derelict open piece of land not centrally situated not having amenities requisite to a football League Club. Burges Road, Thorpe Bay.
Sir – A lot has been said and written regarding the United move to Roots Hall, I would earnestly ask all who are interested in the future of Southend football to take a look at the ground from West Road. In spite of the growing pains I feel it would be madness to let such an opportunity of a permanent home that could accommodate 50,000 spectators, slip from our grasp. Season Ticket Holder.
Work is carrying on at Roots Hall but damage has been caused by the heavy rainfall that fell during the week-end. .
JULY 1954 - A statement was issued that there will be covered accommodation at Roots Hall for 8,600 fans. There will be 2,100 stand seats, standing accommodation in the North Stand for 2,500 and another 2,500 in the West stand and in front of the seating covered standing for another 1,500. Uncovered accommodation will be for 4,000 with a further 8,500 on the South banking. Eventually it is hoped that the ground will accommodate over 30,000 people. During the past few weeks some of the players have been helping at Roots Hall, keeping the cement mixer working at full pressure etc and their help is greatly appreciated. Southend United Supporters’ Club is wasting no time in getting down to work on the new ground, a start is being made to clear the ground of stones and broken glass and volunteers will be warmly welcomed between 6.30 and 8.30 and don’t forget to bring a sack or bucket.
With regard to proposed move of Southend United from the Stadium to Roots Hall the age old question is raised, of could Southend support a top amateur club as well as the United? The main problem is where would they play and with the Stadium vacant this would seem an ideal answer but is it? Historically the town had Southend Athletic prior to the formation of Southend United and then at the Kursaal Southend Corinthians had a season, but the reality that neither venture was particularly well received in the town and the indifferent reception inevitably lead to their failure. Surely an amateur club must not be seen as direct competition for United as that would defeat its purpose, but with the population of the town and the surrounding areas there there are sufficient local players that could rise to this level. Perhaps the biggest reason against is the ground itself and the very reason why the Blues are moving. local players who have played in inter-league matches in front of sparsely populated terraces say it is impossible to give you best in this lack of atmosphere.
OCTOBER 1954 - The Southend United board of directors made a statement which included; “The erection of the stands together with the incidental work on the ground has been estimated at £28,000and quotations now in the hands of the directors indicate this figure was soundly based. Steps have already been taken to finance the project and it is confidently expected that all essential work will be completed for the United to commence their 1955 programme at their new home.”.
DECEMBER 1955 - Southend United moved one step nearer the completion of their dream for a home of their own, when the provision of the money needed to complete the project were successfully arranged. The Contractors who will be undertaking the job of making the borings for the foundations are on site. A “55 Club” is to be formed, where supporters who are prepared to pay £20 for a season ticket, will in return have their own club room where tea and light refreshments will be served during the interval and possible at the end of the game. In addition to the reserved seat and refreshments the £20 fee will also include reserved car parking and the tickets will be transferable.
February 1955 - Progress continues to be made at Roots Hall, the steel work for the north stand has arrived this week, and the Chairman Ald. H. H. Smith is anxious that work on the construction of the stands should start during the current spring like conditions.
Work proceeds at Roots Hall and Alderman Smith reports that the contractors will start driving in the piles for the main stand at 11 a.m. on Thursday17th February. There is apparently jubilation in the Roots Hall camp, this little jingle appeared on the back of the programme: “Hooray! Hooray! The builders arrive today. Our fears are past, they are in at last and now what will the doubters say”.
Sir – On the subject of roots Hall may I suggest a couple more inches should be added to the terrace and stand steps. If one belongs to the “Shorthouse” family, it is next to impossible to see at the present stadium. Hampton Gardens, Prittlewell.
March 1955 - Southend United are facing a crisis on two fronts, they have the battle to complete Roots Hall competing against the elements and the shortage of cash, while the attendance of 4,000 summed up the feelings of the supporters who are fed up after four successive defeats. There is no point in building a fine Stadium with the crowd as close as as possible to the pitch, if the performances are poor. If things don’t improve the terraces will be empty week after week..
At Roots Hall the contractors have completed the driving in of the piles, in addition they have installed piling for two extra bays to be utilised in the future. In two weeks time Boulton and Paul will move in for the erection of the steel work for the main stand to provide accommodation for 2,022 excluding the director’s box. The roof for the North stand has arrived and the water main has been installed in the main stand.
APRIL 1955 - In the Millwall programme, “Voice of Millwall” it states “Southend United might be termed the bravest club in England. For while all of us are seriously troubled by declining attendances which are creating very real financial problems, Southend take the bold action of moving to a new ground capable of holding between 30,000 to 40,000 spectators.
Messrs. Boulton and Paul are rapidly progressing with the steelwork for the main stand at Roots Hall, while the North Stand is the first of the stands to be roofed. The seating plan for the main stand will be available to season ticket holders from May 1st who will be available to select their seats. After May new applications will be considered. The price of season tickets remain at £6 6s (£6.30).
If your want any earlier stuff on the development of Roots Hall I can dig it out!!!
WOW, that's superb and explains a lot. They got over that shaky start then, looks like they could have gone out of business through the move and poor results.
Thanks for that DoDTS. Yes, when you have time to find the earlier stuff, that would be great.
Another significant match from that season. The 6-1 trouncing of Oxford
These are all from the season review VHS yeah?
I'd love to get this and the Collymore Collection on DVD, has anyone converted their VHS to DVD? I'm happy to pay for these
No I have 20 VHS still to convert! I have 90/1 season (on 2 tapes), the Collymore collection, several tapes of miscellaneous, and a video of an Anglo Italian trip and match (which is amazing)
I'm Very interested in the Collymore Collection, 93/94 season review and Anglo Italian Cup when you do get round to it. Let me know if you don't mind burning off an extra copy of each, don't mind giving you a tenner for each one.
Sorry but couldn't resist re-posting King Billy
No apology needed - great picture.....
I have 4 season reviews on VHS at home starting from 93 up to 98. I'm not home till december 15th, but i'm happy to get them get converted to DVD..anyone know where u can do this?
Division 3, 1990-91 Season. Andy Ansah's goal at Orient to secure a 1-0 win. We ended up runners up, with Brett Angell top scorer with 26, and Dave Webb as manager.
I'm Very interested in the Collymore Collection, 93/94 season review and Anglo Italian Cup when you do get round to it. Let me know if you don't mind burning off an extra copy of each, don't mind giving you a tenner for each one.