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I have noticed PB agrees we are interested in all the obvious people we would be interested in-I suspect in reality we have been after none of them except Grant & Bailey where by all accounts we have made actual enquiries. The latter is unlikely, the former not beyond the realms of possibility.

I think the actual targets we wont be told about and wont get a sniff of until they happen. BTW the new 'Head of Recruitment' brought in has a history of digging up overseas signings so don't be surprised if your knowledge of African countries is in for an update..and by all accounts he is good at it.
May be a good player in a couple of years. Is he good enough to grab a game by the scruff of the neck? Not at the moment. Wish him well
Lund may be a loss, on the other hand all the players from last year had the chance to shine and almost to a man failed. Not one player performed with any level of consistency for the season except for consistent inconsistency.

We will undoubtedly be bringing in a number of new players. Some the fans may be pleased about but most will have a number of fans spewing disappointment even before a ball is kicked in earnest

We may as well welcome the new recruits unreservedly and bite our lip until their level of ability can be judged by performances.

The team we finished last season with were in my opinion a disappointment and rarely stepped up to the plate. We might have even lesser known names this term and for all we know they may pleasantly surprise. I will wait and see.
Im sure theres plenty of good talent there for the signing in Africa too, i hope hes successful and brings some of that talent to SUFC.
As long as they settle of course. If we've had probs with northerners about this what chances do we have if an African becomes unsettled.:winking:
Cracking player on FM13 (somebody had to right?), scored a minimum of 10 goals every season for me. In real life he may not have set the world alight but he was a young player who had potential, to have missed out on a target to another lg2 club, is a bit disappointing.