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Matt Harrold

Sounds like a nasty injury. They (Rovers) are not having a good season so far ..... but I would not see them fighting a relegation battle - although stranger things have happened!
Sad to hear that, he's a pain in the arse against us but never like to hear of someone getting seriously injured.
Sad to hear that, he's a pain in the arse against us but never like to hear of someone getting seriously injured.

This. It's one thing to reserve some bile for ex-players who've disrespected the club a la Nicky Bailey, but Harrold's only crime was simply not being very good during his time here. He's since gone on to improve his game as he's matured, and we're evidently not the only club who've had trouble containing him the past few seasons. He had a few coins lobbed at him the last time he was here, and mocking him for picking up a serious injury is poor form.

For what it's worth, I'd have a fit Matt Harrold back here tomorrow. He'd stand every chance of getting 20 in this team.
This. It's one thing to reserve some bile for ex-players who've disrespected the club a la Nicky Bailey, but Harrold's only crime was simply not being very good during his time here. He's since gone on to improve his game as he's matured, and we're evidently not the only club who've had trouble containing him the past few seasons. He had a few coins lobbed at him the last time he was here, and mocking him for picking up a serious injury is poor form.

For what it's worth, I'd have a fit Matt Harrold back here tomorrow. He'd stand every chance of getting 20 in this team.

I agree -- He was a local lad , supported the club from the terraces + worked his way up through the local non league scene. His family are all Southenders + it really was his dream move to come to Roots Hall . He is an absolutley top bloke + met him many times , always had time to chat + was very enthusiastic about things. Then he played for us , had a fabulous pre season where he got goals for fun ... But in the league we had a really poor team and he is the 1st to admit things didnt go as planned . But despite him running his gonads off + playing 100% week in week out a few total numpties in the crowd decided to give him stick + the abuse spread like wildfire. Take the micky out of the ginger kid + get a cheap laugh.... This really affected his confidence + it was inevitable he had to move on . I was gutted when he continually banged in those screamers against us year after year but deep down applauded him for getting one over the bullies.

I wish a quick recovery to him + i would also say that having Matt Harrold in our squad for the last year would have made us stronger.
Matt Harrold: Bristol Rovers striker grateful for new deal

Bristol Rovers striker Matt Harrold says he is grateful to the club for offering him a new contract after an injury-hit season.

The former Shrewsbury forward finished last term as top scorer, but has been sidelined by a cruciate ligament injury since September.

He signed a new one-year deal with the Pirates on Thursday, with the option of a further year.

"I do appreciate the club standing by me," he told BBC Radio Bristol.

"I spoke to them after I got the injury and said I had a family to support, and they were great and always wanted me to stay.

"I feel stronger than I did before I got injured. I'm hungry for some success with the club and I know what a great club we can be.

Harrold was brought to the Memorial Stadium by former boss Paul Buckle in the summer of 2011, and scored 18 goals last season.

But just six games into the current campaign, during Mark McGhee's reign as manager, he suffered ligament damage and was ruled out for nine months.

He has yet to play under new boss John Ward, but the Pirates manager said Harrold had been "pestering" him for a chance to play before the season ends.

"It's been a long season just watching the games," continued Harrold.

"I've had a couple of chats with the manager about it and he hasn't really told me yes or no, but I feel really strong after playing in a practice match this week."


So Ginger gets another contract even though he has not played for 9 months.