Its not the possession causing the problems , its the losing possession and not recovering from it , and the not exploiting the possession when we have the ball .
Retain possession and the opposition will have fewer opportunities . Regain possession quickly when you do make mistakes and the opposition will have fewer opportunities. Maximise the possession and the opposition will need to score more from their opportunities.
Our biggest problem is not making the most of our possession , better choices from the players on the pitch opposition half will create more goal scoring opportunities as well preventing turnarounds .
At the moment , I feel , that the sideways / backwards passes currently being derided is down , a lot of the time , to lack of movement , or at least usable movement , in front of the player with the ball.
They have to move it on to avoid losing the ball , but with no real opportunity for a creative pass they have to give it to someone else for them to try.
I think a ball carrier in the middle coming back to pick up then move the attack up 15 yds or so may help , but the Forwards need to make their movements more decisive (as well as their attempts on goal a bit more effective).
The players are not , on the whole , inexperienced footballers, so the off the ball movement , looking for space , awareness , etc should be there . The skill sets and ability is the issue (but we are 5th tier in all honesty) so the passing ranges , shooting etc is going to be wanting . So the deficits in the team need to be compensated for . More movement to reduce the need for precision passes , and increased shot opportunity to counter the "lower league miss factor"
Now this is nothing innovative , Kev will be drilling this in , but if the players get in an over cautious mind set once they have crossed the white line , or they lose confidence an their ability (which is already 5th tier) then this all becomes the more difficult . Maybe a strong leader and motivating experienced player may help with this . Would fans accept a 35 year old CB or DM , maybe a bit slow these days , who organise and motivate and potentially get more out of the team , albeit at the expense of not being quite the class player we all like to see (10% uptick from the other players may well cover this )