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I am about to embark on a new role as a self employed contractor and want to combine this with losing weight, drinking less and getting more and better quality sleep.

I am in. What do I have to do?

Are you going to be working from home or contracted in their office? I found it hard to resist temptation working self employed from home.
I've already started something similar so happy to be part of this as well. Lost 7 pounds in last 2 weeks by eating more stir fries and doing weight exercises. Oh and swapping beer for gin and tonic
good luck guys,

I decided earlier this year (February) to give up on the fags after smoking for 35 years almost 20 a day. I managed to just stop but have to say it got harder to deal with as the days went on. Now I am not known as being a skinny Minnie but I weight gained over a stone in a very short space of time which made me feel so uncomfortable both physically and mentally. So I decided to do something about. First I changed my eating habits and became much more aware of what I was eating and secondly I decided to take up exercising at the age of 51. I started with small steps to begin with ie walking and cycling short distances and occasionally swimming. I took up further exercise in June and I can now cycle anything between 10-20K, jog 1K and swim about 200 metres in one evening. I try to alternate gym and cycling and the stone gained easily came off. I am now struggling with the weight and would like to be 2 stone lighter but, I feel so good and happy about myself that I really am not too fussed now as I am enjoying the it
Tinks looks fab, the change is really noticeable. I really ought to do something, you get invited for health checks now over a certain age and if you've had no previous heart or other serious troubles and I was pleased that the results from that all confirmed that I do have a healthy diet, that my cholesterol and other levels are all within the parameters and my heart function is perfect.

I have two major issues though, the first being lack of exercise and the second being the good old alcoholic beverage, which is probably a huge contributory factor in my weight. I never have been any good at running so I'm intending to get back into swimming regularly. Portion size is probably another factor, really should use a side plate!

Mark, I'll certainly give it a go (though it starts a bit earlier than I would have liked!).
Tinks looks fab, the change is really noticeable. I really ought to do something, you get invited for health checks now over a certain age and if you've had no previous heart or other serious troubles and I was pleased that the results from that all confirmed that I do have a healthy diet, that my cholesterol and other levels are all within the parameters and my heart function is perfect.

I have two major issues though, the first being lack of exercise and the second being the good old alcoholic beverage, which is probably a huge contributory factor in my weight. I never have been any good at running so I'm intending to get back into swimming regularly.

Thats whats done for me, I used to do a lot of walking, 20 miles a week and whilst I wasnt hyper fit when I stopped 3 years ago or so Ive put on around a stone, which for me is a considerable increase. I just dont get around to doing anything these days, spend 3 hours a day in the car and 8 hours at a desk. Not good.

Portion size is probably another factor, really should use a side plate!

Mark, I'll certainly give it a go (though it starts a bit earlier than I would have liked!).

If portions are too big having two plates will just make it worse :smile:
Thats whats done for me, I used to do a lot of walking, 20 miles a week and whilst I wasnt hyper fit when I stopped 3 years ago or so Ive put on around a stone, which for me is a considerable increase. I just dont get around to doing anything these days, spend 3 hours a day in the car and 8 hours at a desk. Not good.
My problem is that my knees are now really bad so anything weight bearing is not good, I used to walk to and from school often and be up and down stairs there 20 or so times a day. Plus being one to one with a child, I used to often take him outside for 10 minutes kick about if he'd earned the reward. No longer one to one means much less exercise AT work and the vicious circle means it's harder to walk - although I have managed it on occasions.
If portions are too big having two plates will just make it worse :smile:
Ta boom tish! :thumbsup:
May i suggest a good way to keep fit, I was over weight and now lost 50 lbs in 9 months through diet, but also I down loaded on I phone Couch to 5 km in 10 weeks

Now tip the scales at just over 16 st at 6 foot 2 and still want another 12 pounds before I am happy

I could never run 5 yards let alone 5k and in ten weeks you can, by following the instructions, I am now on 10 k and looking at half marathon next March
I willnot say its easy ,a lot of will power when running is needed more mental at times than physical,but at 53 years old, if I can do it then any one, down load map my run and its gives you calories burnt and distance.split times ,speed etc, it keeps you going when times are tough
Obviously if you are tired stop for a day or two and let the body rest and run at a pace that is comfortable, no excuses everyone can spare 30 mins even with kids about

Good luck
The best person to ask is that evil CS Cockles (AKA Cochroach) that boy has lost some timber has he not.