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I can't help but think this Chelsea thing has been blown out of proportion. Is it any worse than Arsenal/Spurs fans chants at each other regarding the Jewish community. It's just a few drunks having a laugh (wrongly)...I'm sure the chap that got pushed off the train is ok.

Im sure this sort of thing happens all the day around the country, it doesn't make it ok but it doesn't make it a "football fan" problem. It's a culture problem.
It's the overt, unashamed nature that is so shocking. In these enlightened times, even the most passionate bigot is forced to at least keep their views quiet as it is unacceptable in society. However here you've got people literally shouting about their racism and the apartheid of not letting a black man on the train is a powerful symbol. There's no actual serious violence, but it is still a disturbing video and hard to watch.
Im sure this sort of thing happens all the day around the country, it doesn't make it ok but it doesn't make it a "football fan" problem. It's a culture problem.

Agreed, these people are not racist because they're drunk football fans, they're just drunk racists who happen to support Chelsea, but I very much doubt it happens anywhere else. There has been individual people prosecuted from rants on buses/trains etc, but as far as I'm aware, no mass groups displaying overt racist behaviour.
I can't help but think this Chelsea thing has been blown out of proportion. Is it any worse than Arsenal/Spurs fans chants at each other regarding the Jewish community. It's just a few drunks having a laugh (wrongly)...I'm sure the chap that got pushed off the train is ok.

Im sure this sort of thing happens all the day around the country, it doesn't make it ok but it doesn't make it a "football fan" problem. It's a culture problem.

I'm pretty sure if the situation was reversed and it was you waiting at a London tube station on the way home from work and a group of Nigerian men started pushing you, racially abusing you and stopping you from getting on, you'd be very ****ing far from ok
I'm pretty sure if the situation was reversed and it was you waiting at a London tube station on the way home from work and a group of Nigerian men started pushing you, racially abusing you and stopping you from getting on, you'd be very ****ing far from ok

I wouldn't say anything in fear of being tarnished with the "racist" brush. I would just wait for the next train and get on with my day. You can't force the whole world to accept different views.
How can you have positive discrimination"? By it's very nature, favouring one person discriminates against another.
How can you have positive discrimination"? By it's very nature, favouring one person discriminates against another.

Think you need to Google the term and maybe have a look at South Africa for example of this...
I agree...

What's your view on positive discrimination?
you know why positive discrimination exists, right? and you know in exactly which circumstances it's applied? (with respect to UK employment law)
Whilst racism may be a cultural issue when a group of supporters join together under the flag of a football club it becomes a football issue.

It was not just a bit of fun, it was disgusting behaviour and I hope Chelsea act on it.
How can you have positive discrimination"? By it's very nature, favouring one person discriminates against another.

Although a contradiction it is often the best way to ensure a fairer representation within the workplace, government, institutions etc. I once saw figures (I can't remember the research site) that supported this view, the theory was that if a particular group was favoured it would have an aspirational effect on those who otherwise felt there was no point in applying for certain positions, this in turn would encourage others in their aspirations. It is not without problems as the aspiration effect wears off relatively quickly so it needs repeating to ensure that our work places reflect society and help to ensure exclusivity is avoided. It also very annoying to lose out on a position because you are not the 'correct' candidate of choice despite being the most suitable to do the job, which happened to me a few years ago. I got over it and understood that sometimes there maybe greater needs than my own interests. It's controversial but necessary if you want to promote a society that reflects its demographics, there are always winners and losers and I understand its not a perfect system but I've yet to see a viable alternative.
How can you have positive discrimination"? By it's very nature, favouring one person discriminates against another.
Agree totally. I believe in a meritocracy. What needs looking at is the motivators behind positive discrimination.
Personally can't stand many of the worlds cultures and when they come to my country I don't feel that positive towards them because I wish many of them would stay put in their own countries.
I'm curious Mr Icke, are you a meat and two veg man who only holidays in the UK ?
Agree totally. I believe in a meritocracy. What needs looking at is the motivators behind positive discrimination.
Personally can't stand many of the worlds cultures and when they come to my country I don't feel that positive towards them because I wish many of them would stay put in their own countries.
It's not your country though, you just landed here by accident and decided to stick around. Some other people decide to move around.