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Just another reason to hate the scum!

I am not crowing because I am still not that convinced about Paul Lambert, we have a big squad already and it appears another 4-5 players are about to join as well. One of those Hamilton strikers is signing and the other is thinking it over, it sounds like Matt Holland may be offered a deal as well, we are also talking to Prem clubs about 2-3 young lads coming in on loan. Overall a squad which will be difficult to keep happy, you can only play 11 at a time!

The WHCS pitch has been made narrower this season, is that a sign of typical Lambert football, keeping it tight through midfield or possibly the long ball up to Perkins ;)

So, to make a long story short, Lambert likes sheep?
Because Chelsea gave him special dispensation. As you well know, I am not like a lot of these people on here who are constantly saying they have inside knowldege, however on this case I do. I don't want to explicitly tell people what is happening but is enough to say that I can guarantee (unless certain authorities decide otherwise) that no signings will be made until we have sorted something out with the tax authorities. This is why I think Martin is taking us for a ride to a certain extent because he is not being honest with the fans regarding the current situation. I would speculate that any money being made by the club is being injected into Martin Dawn. However, I don't know this, I am only speculating.

You usually talk sense so will take you at your word.
To be honest, for the first time in a long while I am starting to seriously worry about the financial state of the club and its future.
Because Chelsea gave him special dispensation. As you well know, I am not like a lot of these people on here who are constantly saying they have inside knowldege, however on this case I do. I don't want to explicitly tell people what is happening but is enough to say that I can guarantee (unless certain authorities decide otherwise) that no signings will be made until we have sorted something out with the tax authorities. This is why I think Martin is taking us for a ride to a certain extent because he is not being honest with the fans regarding the current situation. I would speculate that any money being made by the club is being injected into Martin Dawn. However, I don't know this, I am only speculating.

I take your point Andy and I have no reason to doubt what you say is true but can you honestly expect anything else from RM or the club? To come out with a statement now this close to the seasons start and perhaps in the middle of loan agreements for players could have serious repercussions both in the short and medium term. Going public with the fact we are in the poo financially and can't afford any permanent signings (despite what GK has said previously) would really set the wolves at the door. Can you imagine the backlash from some quarters should that happen?

Whilst I have no clue as to exactly what information you are privy to I trust (well, we have no choice after all) in the men that run our club and we'll just have to carry on doing so.
I take your point Andy and I have no reason to doubt what you say is true but can you honestly expect anything else from RM or the club? To come out with a statement now this close to the seasons start and perhaps in the middle of loan agreements for players could have serious repercussions both in the short and medium term. Going public with the fact we are in the poo financially and can't afford any permanent signings (despite what GK has said previously) would really set the wolves at the door. Can you imagine the backlash from some quarters should that happen?

Whilst I have no clue as to exactly what information you are privy to I trust (well, we have no choice after all) in the men that run our club and we'll just have to carry on doing so.

To be honest, I think most clubs will know about the situation. It normally happens when a club is taken to court by HMRC. People are using last years debt as an example against it but I don't think a winding-up petition was made last season. Again, correct me if I'm wrong.

EDIT - I think this confirms what I have been saying http://www.football-league.co.uk/page/News/FLNewsDetail/0,,10794~1691419,00.html
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You need to be very careful speculating like this. What you described sounds like fraud as I understand it. Also you're not helping your arguement by adding more speculation when you've already been asked to state facts to back up your earlier claims
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I am not crowing because I am still not that convinced about Paul Lambert, we have a big squad already and it appears another 4-5 players are about to join as well. One of those Hamilton strikers is signing and the other is thinking it over, it sounds like Matt Holland may be offered a deal as well, we are also talking to Prem clubs about 2-3 young lads coming in on loan. Overall a squad which will be difficult to keep happy, you can only play 11 at a time!

The WHCS pitch has been made narrower this season, is that a sign of typical Lambert football, keeping it tight through midfield or possibly the long ball up to Perkins ;)

Tell me honestly if you sign these additional players on top of your present squad plus with the ones you have signed this season

Your Chairman is bank rolling these purchases and paying out high salaries as i already no there 4/5 of your players earning more money than some of our present squad

Then take your supporters some where renewing there ST some where walking away after the treatment last season at some of home games

I post over on your board when i last looked ST sales where down on last season, assume there has been a improvement

I remember reading in your local paper the Gazette that Bradshaw the man in the hot seat i belive was stating you need about 7000 fans to break even

With a average attendance of about 5000 how is this going to be achived and if you fail to get promotion this term is your Chairman still going to be bank rolling you next season
Seems we are the T.O.T.S.

Let them have their laugh. We will still be here after they have finished wetting their pants.
I'm reasonably sure that transferring funds from one company to another without some financial transaction such as a loan, or a sale/purchase amounts to company fraud. Syphoning income from a company in trouble into another to avoid paying bills is definitely fraud.

Also once again can I point out that appearing in the London Gazette in the manner you've pointed out is not necessarily anything to do with winding-up petitions. The entry for Martin Dawn PLC that you point out is again merely the fact that the company has submitted its annual accounts.

I'm worried that the constant repitition of supposition and incorrect facts is going to stoke the fires of disatisfaction even more and eventually find its way into the media as fact.
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I'm reasonably sure that transferring funds from one company to another without some financial transaction such as a loan, or a sale/purchase amounts to company fraud. Syphoning income from a company in trouble into another to avoid paying bills is definitely fraud.

Also once again can I point out that appearing in the London Gazette in the manner you've pointed out is not necessarily anything to do with winding-up petitions. The entry for Martin Dawn PLC that you point out is again merely the fact that the company has submitted its annual accounts.

I'm worried that the constant repitition of supposition and incorrect facts is going to stoke the fires of disatisfaction even more and eventually find its way into the media as fact.

Well that is fair enough; i don't pretend to be particularly knowledgeable about financial matters and I did make it clear that all this Martin Dawn stuff is just speculation and rumour. However what I said about transfers still stands as I heard this from a very good source and I have no reason to doubt them. About the forum things, it does say "They also have a string of County Court judgments against them". This could again be a lot about nothing of course.
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Well that is fair enough; i don't pretend to be particularly knowledgeable about financial matters and I did make it clear that all this Martin Dawn stuff is just speculation and rumour. However what I said about transfers still stands as I heard this from a very good source and I have no reason to doubt them. About the forum things, it does say "They also have a string of County Court judgments against them". This could again be a lot about nothing of course.

Cheers; I couldn't see the CCJ bit as it was written plainly in front of me :)

I suspect any CCJs we do have are old history, and seem to recall that they weren't necessarily just because we couldn't afford to pay a bill, but because we had some dispute or other with the creditor.

I wasn't being funny about the speculation stuff btw, we all do need to be very careful what we post on here if there's a chance it's libellous and defamatory.

My main concern on the board just now isn't restricted to your posts, but is generally that we aren't helping maintain confidence in the club's financial state with all of our supposition, and speculation. As has been stated elsewhere on the board, this can have a very real affect on people's decisions regarding the club (players, sponsors, investors etc.).

I guess its just a fact of life though now we have the t'Internet.
Cheers; I couldn't see the CCJ bit as it was written plainly in front of me :)

I suspect any CCJs we do have are old history, and seem to recall that they weren't necessarily just because we couldn't afford to pay a bill, but because we had some dispute or other with the creditor.

I wasn't being funny about the speculation stuff btw, we all do need to be very careful what we post on here if there's a chance it's libellous and defamatory.

My main concern on the board just now isn't restricted to your posts, but is generally that we aren't helping maintain confidence in the club's financial state with all of our supposition, and speculation. As has been stated elsewhere on the board, this can have a very real affect on people's decisions regarding the club (players, sponsors, investors etc.).

I guess its just a fact of life though now we have the t'Internet.

Of course I completely take on board your point and I have retracted some of my earlier post to just what I know as opposed to speculation. If you could do the same where you have quoted me, most appreciated. However I do think that a sensible discussion is needed on here about where we see the club being in the long-term and whether the current strategy is the correct one.