And again, people are flocking back to the Labour Party like never before. Don't believe all you read in the Tory press mate.
Membership on the rise, but are these new members really engaging? Are they getting out on the doorstep, are they attending meetings, etc?
Couple of interesting paragraphs here from Janice Turner. Yes, it's from The Times but she's a firm Labour supporter and has gone on record many times as saying she doesn't like the Conservatives.
The real deal
Having rejoined the Labour party in May, I went along to my constituency gala dinner, a jolly evening at a local Italian. Sadiq Khan spoke and delivered his new joke about Sajid Javid: “You wait for years for the son of a Muslim bus driver to turn up and two come along at once.”
The highlight was the auction of books, posters and the like signed by Labour luminaries. An autographed volume of Barbara Castle’s Fighting All The Way raised a large sum. Then came a copy of What Would Keir Hardie Say? signed by Jeremy Corbyn and Tom Watson. The auctioneer had to cajole to get a first bid and it was eventually sold for a fifth of Babs’s book. In fact, the final item, a plastic, self-snowing Christmas tree from Lidl, raised almost as much. And it wasn’t even signed by Santa.
Cyber politics
One Labour stalwart remarked that while membership had risen, attendance at this dinner had declined. More people are just internet members, who believe — as when re-tweeting a petition — they can change the world in one click, never leaving the house.
But political parties are meant to be sociable; ideas exchanged over a beer. You could disagree with Geoff, the branch secretary, but appreciate his dedication to a shared cause. Without mixing in real life, you will not understand that this is a rough coalition, a broad church. But why endure wearying human interaction when in the social media echo chamber you can stay ideologically pure.
The comedian Robert Webb is leaving Labour after two years, appalled by Jeremy Corbyn’s foreign policy and his odious online trolls. And this week, a young woman told me she quit when Corbyn’s first shadow cabinet had no women in senior posts. She only joined in May! Flouncing out because a party doesn’t immediately deliver your bespoke agenda seems petulant. What happened to stay and fight? But this is an age when our desires are met instantly by Amazon Prime.