MK Shrimper
I think the issue with this kind of statement is not that there is any chance it will actually happen (it plainly won’t - whether Labour wanted it to or not). It’s more what it says about the mindset of the hard left militant unionists who believe it is acceptable to to, in effect, stage a coup against a democratically elected government just so they can get into power. It’s an approach you might justifiably use where a revolution is needed to remove a tyrant - like in Venezuela - but it is abhorrent in a democracy. This is a window into the mindset of members of Parliament in HM Opposition. If anything remotely similar had been said by the Conservatives when Labour was in government - I.e. using force to try to ‘bring down’ a government - there would, justifiably, have been a huge outcry from Labour, the Graun etc. Probably with lots of nasty sweeping accusations of nazism, racism, imperialism you name it.
Please. It's like tarring all Tories as sexist xenophobes due to the actions of the former Home Secretary. Every party has it's outspoken elements, but tarring an entire party due to the actions of one MP (who most of us have never heard of) is laughable.