Nobby Snide
i'm shorter than flahaven!!!!...oh yea, i'm perfect then
Well pardon me for voicing my opinion, I forgot that I'm only a stupid woman and therefore not allowed to criticise on here, I'm only allowed to make flippant and inconsequential remarks that are of no interest to those serious and high browed people who post here. Thanks for the neg rep Mr Wooly, whoever you are.
So, if you know all this, why get in such a state ;)
to those serious and high browed people who post here
Name names!
I think you are being over sensitive.
Is it because you are a woman?
I was kidding! Sorry.
You could just ignore them, like most peple do with my posts.
Really, really makes me so cross
But why don't they just do that to me? This is an open forum, I make one criticism, get a rude remark back which I object to and suddenly the pack mentality rears its head and in they all leap to attack. Really, really makes me so cross.
Calm down, go and have lunch.