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Ian Huntley trial...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Napster @ Nov. 27 2003,16:43)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Nov. 27 2003,16:38)]illogicality
I'm sure that's made up.

Who knows, but it slotted in more easily than "absence of logic"...


[b said:
Quote[/b] (Matt the Shrimp @ Nov. 27 2003,16:38)]But miscarriages of justice do occur - and if you've hanged someone under a death penalty, you can't really turn around 20 years later and say "oops, sorry, we got that one wrong", can you?
Agreed but on the other hand it definitely sticks in the throat when people like Hyndley, Sutcliffe etc can continue their lives in prison under reasonably comfortable circumstances whilst the families they have destroyed suffer.

Penal colonies, hard labour, enforced solitary for the rest of their worthless lives. All these things should be considered for certain categories of killer IE nonces and other murdering sex offenders, terrorists who target civilians, you get the general idea.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Surrey Blue @ Nov. 27 2003,16:52)]Matt, although i greatly appreciate you dont need a career in law to have an opinion of the death penalty, i was intrigued to know what someone who does have a career in law thought.

Now would you say your opinion as someone who has a career in law is in the majority within law circles? or can you really not say?
Fair play.

I can't point to any specific research on this, but anecdotally, so far as I am aware, there is little or no support at the Bar, or within Law Firms, for a return of the death penalty. I'd say my view - that it's nothing but state-sponsored murder - is pretty overwhelmingly the view of most legal professionals.

Of course, I may be wrong about that - but that's certainly my impression.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Wessex Blue @ Nov. 27 2003,16:53)]Penal colonies, hard labour, enforced solitary for the rest of their worthless lives. All these things should be considered for certain categories of killer IE nonces and other murdering sex offenders, terrorists who target civilians, you get the general idea.
I have no problem with any of that. When you take life, it's my view that the state should be entitled to remove all of your basic civil rights - so that, in a sense, you no longer have a life, you merely have an existence.

But that's just my view - I certainly couldn't say whether that was widely agreed with inside the legal profession or not.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Surrey Blue @ Nov. 27 2003,17:07)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (steveh1510 @ Nov. 27 2003,17:02)]Send in the Dementors.....
nasty bunch, no messing with those bad boyz
<span style='font-family:comic sans ms'>Dunno, Prongs always has a good go...</span>
I alwasy had a plan by where you could take the worst priosners leave them on an island (in the SOuth Pacific) , with their &quot;guards&quot; being wither Wu Tang(Taoist) or Shaolin monks . Both are deidcated to compasion and the sanctitey of life and both are nearly imposible for your average serial killer / convicted assulter murder to physicaly overcome.

The &quot;prisoners&quot; only role in life is to live &#33;
I deplore the way that the papers have siezed upon the fact that Huntly burned the two bodies as evidence that he is &#39;extra&#39; guilty and &#39;extra&#39; evil.

If he had given them a full christian burial everything would have been OK then I suppose.
Innocent till proven guilty&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Still not been found guilty but what do you boys still think about this latest statement?
