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Right, I see it. Blimey, blink and you miss it! Doesn't sound like he pulled up any trees there.

Sturrock's dismissal at Southampton had a lot to do with him not seeing eye to eye with Rupert Lowe. The straw that broke the camel's back is supposed to be Lowe walking onto the training ground and seeing Sturrock munching on a fried egg sandwich.

As for Brown, as long as he's manager here I'll wish him every success, but I personally think it's a terrible appointment for all the reasons YB listed. I think Martin's been seduced by the job Brown did at Hull when they moved into the KC, but is failing to recognise that not only is there not guarantee that Brown could replicate that success, but that we're a much smaller club than Hull and at least should be operating on a much smaller budget. I just think the whole scenario we've found ourself in is an absolute farce. Who's going to take training from now on? Is Sturrock going to be allowed onto the training ground? What's Brown going to do during that week before the final? It's senseless, it's divisive and it's entirely unnecessary. We've spent the last month pimping out this "Keep Calm We're Going to Wembley" nonsense, but the kneejerkery's happening within the boardroom.

What's done is done, though. I'm now made to support the man who likened being called fake tan boy to genuine racist abuse at a Kick Racism Out of Football event. Brilliant.
I might be in a minority here, but within reason (***) I don't really give a toss who the manager is. I turn up to watch the boys in blue, I'm not really fussed who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. My passion is for the team, the XI brave warriors (ahem) representing my team. Yes I'd have slightly more interest in a change in the coaching staff than one in the canteen or the ticket office, but as long as the end product is OK then I'm not bothered who the manager is, the chairman is, or anyone else behind the scenes really.

It's a bit like eating in a favourite restaurant....if the food quality went down, I'd maybe be pleased to hear that the chef had been changed, but I wouldn't really care who it was as long as my Ribs were done right.

*** edit *** - the within reason is Steve Evans for the point of clarity.
If he gets us promoted with 7 games to go he will truly be the messiah, if he doesn't he will be the perma-tanned numpty and the fans will want Tilly back. Football Management its a crazy world.
I might be in a minority here, but within reason (***) I don't really give a toss who the manager is. I turn up to watch the boys in blue, I'm not really fussed who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. My passion is for the team, the XI brave warriors (ahem) representing my team. Yes I'd have slightly more interest in a change in the coaching staff than one in the canteen or the ticket office, but as long as the end product is OK then I'm not bothered who the manager is, the chairman is, or anyone else behind the scenes really.

It's a bit like eating in a favourite restaurant....if the food quality went down, I'd maybe be pleased to hear that the chef had been changed, but I wouldn't really care who it was as long as my Ribs were done right.

*** edit *** - the within reason is Steve Evans for the point of clarity.

Yeah, the trouble is although that chef did a good set of ribs once the last couple of restaurants he's worked at he's given the diners food poisoning.

It's not exactly making me rush out there and make a reservation.
Absolutely this. Hence why I have just asked a fellow poster to explain his comments.

How can you dislike someone so much you have never met (as far as I am aware he is not a rapist, murderer etc)? What good will come of jeering and booing OUR new manager. If you have a problem with the appointment then surely you speak to the guy that employed him.

Absolute madness.

Sadly, there are an awful lot of incredibly judgmental people out there.

In addition, the vast majority of fans seem to share the view that the Aldershot floodlights failure cost us promotion last year.

What a load of rubbish. That was something that was completely outside our control. We were 1-0 up against 10 men at half-time but remember, we are Southend. There is nothing to guarantee we would have won that game. To make the point, we were 2-1 up at home in injury time against against Accrington and yet managed to draw.

Also. we were 2-0 up against a poor Plymouth side with 5 minutes to go and managed to draw. Out of 10 home league games between 26/11/11 and 20/3/12 - that's nearly half the season - we won just 2.

They are the reasons we didn't go up last year, not the Aldershot fiasco. Those matches were all very much in our control and we blew it.

But we'd prefer to blame Aldershot because that then deflects the responsibility away from ourselves, a trait all too common in the modern world and the reason why the country is in the state it is in. No-one is prepared to take responsibility for themselves and always looks to blame someone else when things don't go right.

But that's another topic...
Strong points YB. My main concern is his lack of experience at this level and his lack of experience with lower league players with lesser abilities than he has worked with before. I hope he will realise that many of our best signings have been non league diamonds or players from this or league 1 and that by and large those from the championship have been poor.

I think whats clear is that Brown has applied for many jobs, not got them- why is this? Either he is so full of himself that it deters chairman or that he has just been beaten by the better candidate. He is now at the point where he will accept any job to get a footing back in the game therefore I wonder if he will have the right level of committment. I wouldve liked to have seen Justin Edinburgh or someone like Andy Edwards given a go.
True pb does seem to have applied for a lot of jobs and been beaten to the post, but we dont know why,truth is i think rm went after brown, and pb wants to prove himself again, and if it does not work at southend then he wont get many other chances, if we get promoted he could well leave if a bigger job offer comes along, thats football a gamble.I think andy edwards bigger gamble
Think positive guys. At least he can pop into Sam's office and ask for a few young Spammers on loan. I seem to recall in the long and distant past we were meant to be tied with them for loans etc but it seemed to never happen.