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5-0 walkover again. Still in 2nd. Now only 2 pts behind the leaders who I play next week. MOTS here we come!

Should I beat the top team (unlikely) any tips on how to throw the playoff games as I don't really want a season of getting thrased in V.
I won 4-1 to jump up 2 spots to fifth. I lost my best keeper for 4 weeks though, and I have no funds to sign a replacement, so hopefully I can get lucky with a YP this weekend!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bob Cratchitt @ Nov. 06 2005,18:52)]Revenge is sweet,

Managed to beat the team who knocked me for 4-1 last week, this week I get a 4-0 win and also injured one of his players for two weeks.
Yes indeedy. My opponents this week were the counter-attack specialists that nicked a point at Roots Hall last week... Well, counter-attacking at home isn't so effective, apparently: a 4-1 win to SUFC sends us to the dizzy heights of, er, 6th...


Still, good to see a lot of my players returning to form and giving me some "best ever" performances - 5* for my keeper, 14* across my three centre-mids, 5* for my main striker (and 14* for my three forwards - a formidable rating for attacking).

Things are slowly but surely getting better; and at least I won't have to train bloomin' stamina for a very long time indeed...

