Youth Team
I am indeed thankful don't get me wrong on that front. Kudos to you that you are involved in the trustDo you also think if the people of Clacton went to see their local MP to discuss a pro immigration agenda that said mp would ask the question in the commons? At the end of the day, people won’t use their one or two opportunities to ask someone else’s question that they don’t agree with. Add to that one that would cause offence and diminish their own personal relationship or reputation.
I’m a member of the trust but I am not able to get to events such as this. So I am grateful to the people that do go, and feedback the q&a for me - even if they are not always cover all of the questions I would ask.
This forum is my opportunity to share my feedback as a customer. The trust should be representative of all customer views not just the view of the people on the trust. The trust should act as a quasi consumer choice bureau keeping the brand I'm check. Failure to do that is not democracy referencing your political example.
To your point of the said MP, yes that's why they are there to represent the views of the people. Not a person perhaps but I am not alone in my view.
As to the view if they don't agree with, it's very likely I wouldn't then vote for said MP.
It shouldn't stop me sharing my view however. If the MP doesn't agree with the view, that's not really the point as that's allowing political bias to cloud.
In the US, the way round that is to "lobby" or use currency to do so. MPs will not have an issue to ask said view points if currency is involved.
For my view to be represented, should we therefore ensure a clear voting democratic approach to trust membership? Or should we be allowed to lobby?
I'm not that bothered to go down that path and the questions I pose are rhetorical. I just want to make my and many other customers feedback views (based on data) have an opportunity to be heard). That's democracy.