MK Shrimper
Call of the Wild - Harisson Ford and a computerised dog. I absolutely loved every second if it. 10/10
I love Roy Orbison because of that film.forgot
Blue Velvet
Great film seen it a could of times. The kind of war Film the Americans can’t make
Made me research the story on line
Brilliant film, such a shame it doesn’t get the attention that other conflict films get.
Controversial opinion: I think it’s better than 1917 and Dunkirk, I know they’re different eras but they’re still classified in the true war film category.
I probably have more of a connection with it as I have been to Afghanistan and spent 7 months out there.
I love Roy Orbison because of that film.
One of my favourite films. I love the gangster based first part of the film. I suspect there were cuts - the film implies that there was previous between Chas and Joey Maddocks without going into too much detail.
Brilliant film, such a shame it doesn’t get the attention that other conflict films get.
Controversial opinion: I think it’s better than 1917 and Dunkirk, I know they’re different eras but they’re still classified in the true war film category.
I probably have more of a connection with it as I have been to Afghanistan and spent 7 months out there.
A real life film that details how we ended up in the Iraq and Afghanistan mess and leaves you with no trust of government and the legal profession is OFFICIAL SECRETS . Interspersed with real clips of Blair,Bush etc it really leaves you with the sense of how we were taken to war against the wishes of the people and manipulated evidence ,which one woman tried to stop and paid a price for because of the official secrets act.
I saw this film by chance and it really took you back to 2003 and how we've been left with a mess and a destabilised world by politicians who should be in jail for causing so many unnecessary deaths of our military and the hundreds of thousands of ordinary civilians since.
Cracking performance from Lee Marvin in Point Blank, not seen that film on tv for years.