Spelling Guru
Not bad, particularly for a first attempt, but it can be improved a lot.
I've added some comments in bold, until I got bored.
*Try not to use so many clichés. The Echo/club web-site is not the style to aspire to. Instead see how Slipper's writing looks far more original rather than regurgitating "tired clichés".
*You use far too many superfluous words. If a word doesn't add anything to your sentence don't use it. Read through each sentence line by line and consider whether each word is necessary. Otherwise you are diluting your message.
* Apostrophes. Learn how to use them.
* Actually proof-read your article rather than rely on spell-check (which would be a start!). You can't send a piece in to a potential employer that is riddled with typos.
All true, but i didnt write this for the intention of an employee reading it. I wrote it in about 20 mins 11.30 couple of nights ago.
But all taken into account.
Cheers. :)