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Essex Against Prisons


Sep 21, 2005
im afraid there simply arent enough prisons in the country, and while i wouldnt want one on my doorstep, i would rather there was somewhere for criminals to be locked up, rather than the growing number of criminals allowed to walk free because there isnt room to house them all.

What would you rather live next to, a prison or a crack den?
As I said previously I'm fairly close to Woodhill prison where Huntley is/was(?) and it's never concerned me in the slightest. If it's built I doubt you'll even realise it's there.
If we executed all the scum of society (child molesters, mutliple killers and Orient fans) we would have loads more space behind bars?
My aunt and uncle used to live up the drive to Bullwood Hall. From their lounge you could see the entrance to the prison, but they never heard or saw anything and it never bothered them in the slightest. Prisons have to be built somewhere, but I don't think it's the end of the world if it gets built down the road... I don't see how much of an impact it'll have on your quality of life
All prisoners should be sent into space as per Fortress 2.
My aunt and uncle used to live up the drive to Bullwood Hall. From their lounge you could see the entrance to the prison, but they never heard or saw anything and it never bothered them in the slightest. Prisons have to be built somewhere, but I don't think it's the end of the world if it gets built down the road... I don't see how much of an impact it'll have on your quality of life

Did they ever see Bea, Lizzea, Doreen or The Freak?
'Build it and they will come'..............
Personally I think all prisons should be in places that end in 'moor' .. But as the average prison no longer employs pipe hard warders who are happy to live in th emiddle of nowhere so long as they can beat up crimbos whenever they want.. then they will have to build prisions nearer where all the outreach counsellers and human rights lawyers live.. Thus the south East..
I quite like the idea of keeping prisons in the cities; Strangeways, Pentonville, Belmarsh etc . . .

Preston Prison is quite near to the HMRC Working Tax Credit buildings about a mile from the city centre.

Don't know who are the bigger crooks.
In fairness those three groups are the lowest of the low. Dont think anyone would miss any of them.

Yeah but from a practical point of view your not culling an awrful lot of prisoners (plus peadophiles should in in medical facilities for study , they cant really be reformed only treated ) . And theres bad tries wrongly convicted etc for against killing anyone
They should build prisons in undesirable places, like next to airports, or sewage farms, or in the middle of huge industrial areas... basically anywhere that pollutes and isnt desirable for people to live near. Or canvey.
Yeah but from a practical point of view your not culling an awrful lot of prisoners (plus peadophiles should in in medical facilities for study , they cant really be reformed only treated ) . And theres bad tries wrongly convicted etc for against killing anyone

Sure there must be thousands of peados, killers and orient f..a..n.. well thousands of peados and killers anways we could off.
we could round them all up and send them to a far away Island again.... lets just make sure they dont get so good at Cricket and Rugby this time though!
If we executed all the scum of society (child molesters, mutliple killers and Orient fans) we would have loads more space behind bars?

No , they make up the smallest amount of prision population, you'd have to kill theifs , debt abstainers , petty crime really

More to the point, Orient fans aren't in prison at the moment. I think we all agree they should be, but even that won't make a dent in prison overcrowding because there simply aren't enough of them.