Sorry chaps and chapesses, but I'm going to spoil the party here. The drum was responsible for stopping many of the chants spreading through the whole crowd, especially in the first half. When the singing section got a song started the drummer bashed the drum so loudly that the surrounding areas couldn't hear the chant that had been started and so the chant went nowhere, drowned out by the drum. It was so frustrating. Just because you can bang a drum loudly dosent necessarily mean you are doing anything good. The drummer needs to go away and learn how to blend his drumming rhythm in with the song that's starting. He needs to understand how his drum can contribute and not take away. It isn't about banging out a counter beat that has no relevance to the song trying to be developed through the stands. It's about harmonising.
Booooooo! if you had known half of the anquish and grief we had with the staff at Wembley over the drum and who had upset Dan to the brink of tears before the game had even started you might be a little more sympathetic.
The young lads did all they could and Dan said himself.. "We had a duty to do and we had to step up"
Brilliant effort IMO.. :clap: