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i would as a distant supporter ,hope that no SUFC supporter would boo any person wearing a SUFC shirt and playing,if any did then no matter how bad we played ,that person in my mind is not a true supporter of the club i love.

With all due respect, it's that attitude that gives footballers this "untouchable stardom" and puts them above the general working class man. They are highly privaliged to be where they are, but a little touch of realism now and again, doesn't hurt.

Think of other professions... If you went to a restaurant, and they served up, completely below what was acceptable, most people would show displeasure.

Whilst I don't agree with berating players during a game, booing at the end, to let them know that as a collective, we the fans, expect more, is fair enough. There's been plenty of times we've lost a game, but performed excellently & just been marginally unlucky & I've applauded them, as their efforts cannot be faulted. However, there's been times where there's been absolutely no effort or heart shown by the team & we the fans, IMHO, Definitly have a right to express our feelings
first half we played great, second half was like a totally different team, we kept kicking the ball high up field and losing possession.. very disappointed with second half
I think it was aimed more at the ref and the linesman as they were a joke
Similarly with some, I rarely boo at games, however I did so on Saturday and it was directed squarely at Phil Brown.
I thought there was a lack of effort and commitment in the 2nd half, so was not surprised to hear booing. Lack of ability most people will put up with, but not lack of effort.