Sounds plausable, he made a big thing about the room, who was there and the cameras... Suggesting that all was not quite as he made out. Personally it'd be slightly disappointing if it was 'just' camera/computer trickery
He also said that one he shows us Friday, then 'you can have a go too'.
I dont know many peopel with a TV studio, 2 cameras and a post-production suite?! (perhaps I live in a rough area).
Wow your all psychicphobics man thats harsh what do you do to Tarot readers ?I Derren Brown is psychic then I trust he knows he should never darken the door of my local....
Wow your all psychicphobics man thats harsh what do you do to Tarot readers ?
I once played poker with Tarot cards.
I got a full house and four people died.
You probably nicked that from someone but I just wet myself. +rep when I can!
A bit of an anticlimax for me if I'm honest. By not revealing the numbers before the lottery it leaves it open to far too many theories and ways he could have faked it, If he showed the balls before Then I would nhave been impressed.
So just another magic trick, and NO, he doesn't possess paranormal powers.
I think it was Debbie McGee wearing a cloak of invisibility
Spot on Josh, if you know a bit about magic, there are a few ways to get any numbers you want, anywhere you want after you are told the numbers.
But nothing you do will enable you to get the lottery numbers before the balls are drawn, apart from tampering with the actual draw equipment.
So just another magic trick, and NO, he doesn't possess paranormal powers.
Tis all misdirection and trickery there really is nothing beyound nature however there are some rules that can be twisted or bent .
Derren Brown does annoy me as he declares becuse he can do the esoteric tricks as stage magic it immediately means there's no other way to do it or anyother method is fraudulant .
has anyone claimed the Randi prize yet?