What an absolute load of tosh! No way would Brentford pay £1.1m then sell for £800k. Someone was saying £4m to Bristol City on Twitter, probably a load of bollocks too!
Wow. Stoke have got themselves a bargain there.
Really? You can pick a good keeper up on a free. Why spend 800k?
Really? You can pick a good keeper up on a free. Why spend 800k?
The tweet that had him going to Stoke for £800k looks as if it was pure made up nonsense.Well just consider we effectively sold him for £1.1m, never mind the add-ons. 3 years experience at a higher level and he worth less than he was before being he was a proven Championship goalkeeper, still only 25 with a lot of potential still. It seems self explanatory to me.
Besides, in most players that are available for a free are usually free for a reason.
The tweet that had him going to Stoke for £800k looks as if it was pure made up nonsense.
The tweet that had him going to Stoke for £800k looks as if it was pure made up nonsense.
Certainly you for one.Wow .... someone has tweeted something that's probably not true. Who'd have thought it?
I can’t trump that comment,Mick.Wow .... someone has tweeted something that's probably not true. Who'd have thought it?
It would be criminal if we still didnt have a sell on clause as the article queries, especially if he did go for £4 million, we would be able to pay Kightlys wages![]()
I think you are right about the Tribunal. In which case we wouldn't have any say on a sell on clause.
Is that a suggestion that when cash was tight we sold Brentford our sell on rights?