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Ticket News Daggers (A) 12/08/23 - SOLD OUT

I’ve done daggers 3 times now, think it’s easy enough to sit where you want but be polite and move if someone asks for the seat they requested…
I did this at Col Utd a few years ago. Would definitely not recommend...
I did it too at Colchester hahah at the old layer road In the famous champion winning season in div 1 ****ing superb !!! Would highly recommend it at least once .. incidentally the biggest upset I caused was at coventry speedway they didn’t appreciate my support of arena Essex on little bit! But Loved every minute of it .. Leyton orient with old @Paulie Walnuts was fun too ffs 🤦
I did it too at Colchester hahah at the old layer road In the famous champion winning season in div 1 ****ing superb !!! Would highly recommend it at least once .. incidentally the biggest upset I caused was at coventry speedway they didn’t appreciate my support of arena Essex on little bit! But Loved every minute of it .. Leyton orient with old @Paulie Walnuts was fun too ffs 🤦
I've done it at Colchester several times (favourite being 3 -0 up after 30 mins at Layer road) in fact I can't remember seeing Southend lose in Colchester...you really have to concentrate when the goals go in!
I’ve done it a few times in the last couple of seasons when we’ve sold out Our allocation. Not ideal, just need to concentrate on your demeanour.
I’ve done it a few times in the last couple of seasons when we’ve sold out Our allocation. Not ideal, just need to concentrate on your demeanour.
Done it twice at bloody Tottenham.
Salesman I knew could get cheap tickets, but only for the home end.

So one game at the back of the main stand. (Evening game)

One game right in the middle off bloody shelf. (Saturday game)
And we gets a blinkin penalty.
You needed some balls to get up and cheer when that goal went in.
I have gone in the home seats many times at away games with never any problems. And no, I didn't keep quiet. I remember once I was the only Southend supporter in the main stand at Orient, the game where (was it Barrington Belgrave or Ben Abbey?) scored twice and I was out of my seat Huzzahing like a good 'un. The rest of the stand just looked at me rather glumly.

I've done it at Crawley and at Layer Road, and also at Ipswich (the view was better in the main stand) and there was lots of jolly banter with the locals. Nobody gave a damn. Indeed, at one point some of the crowd started with the "We hate Southend" bit and when it stopped I said rather loudly "I say, do you mind?" It just got a bit of a laugh.

It probably just depends on one's attitude and demeanour when one does it.
I want to go to the home end but I don't want to waste money on a ticket where I may get kicked out.
This is the first Daggers away game I have missed (somehow and I don’t know why but I booked a weekend away)

It is always a good day out so, enjoy everyone and please bring home the points
yep, done it too, Couldn't get tickets for the away end at Col U, fans volunteered to get me and my daughter a couple, under cover on the Col U forum. lol. Even got in the corner bar pre match. Matt their marketing mgr got them for us in the end. The 3 - 0 win. I got sussed when the third went in lol, it was good natured and l excused myself to go down to the concourse and gave it large lol.

Also at Blackburn, went with a Rovers fan that I was in the Navy with, when Speedie got that late equaliser. took a bit of stick but they soon quietened when l congratulated them on getting a point at home against Southend United. I think they were too thick to realise l was taking the pee.

Worst one was the home end at the County ground Swindon. 5 of us were in the home end, can't remember who put the ball in the net for us, we went up, natural reaction, got a kicking, then as we were escorted to the away end, found out it had been disallowed. Mayes scores for them and we lose 1 nil.

Happy Days!
Did it for the Chelsea away game. First tout we went to wouldn't sell to us cos of our shirts so we hid them for the second. Spent the game being passively verbally abused by the Chelsea fans behind us who definitley knew we were Southend supporters. When Clarke headed that goal, boy did we go mental. Worth it.