Tangled up in Blue
Certified Senior Citizen⭐🦐
Equally funny is how people who drove past their local Church/Mosque or Synagogue and seeing it closed......They assume every other place in the country is also closed.
I have heard of one well known local 'drinkers' pub that is still allowing the regulars in via the back door.....This is directly from one of their customers. Not facebook or twitter before anyone gets upset.
Not everyone, regardless of race or religion is observing the rules/guidance. Rather than cheap point scoring over past politics we should all agree that if we are asking NHS and emergency staff to put themselves and their families as risk, then this is wrong.....Even just out of respect for them its wrong
My information about the monastery in Sant Cugat being closed for religous services comes not from walking or driving passed it but from the local free weekly magazine Tot Sant Cugat.
I understand that in Spain (at least) those modern churches the banks are still open.I'll find out tomorrow.The local post office (correos) was this morning.