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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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My wife has been "told" by her brother that they need to take it in turns to visit their mother each day to ensure she's safe and well and not going insane. At the moment they're going twice a week each and having a chat whilst standing at the end of her drive whilst she stands on the doorstep.

That's all well and good, but as I pointed out to my wife:
  • He lives 2 minutes a way, we live about 35 minutes away
  • We have 2 young kids that need us, he as 3 grown up kids that don't live with him
  • My wife looks after her every week whilst he spends months on end abroad
  • Maybe now is the time he took some of the strain

You're not meant to visit family during this locjdown..
You're not meant to visit family during this locjdown..

Indeed, but they're standing on the pavement whilst delivering shopping etc. I don't think they're gonna do it that often though...
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So you will need a photo or scan of your licence on the device you are using. Are you applying from a phone, tablet or computer?
Do you have a smartphone?

Easiest way is to take a photograph of your licence and email to yourself.

On your pc save the attachment and then upload to volunteering site.

I don't have a smartphone. Cant apply so I will leave it.
You can take them supplies and leave on the doorstep. How else are they supposed to get things they need?

Indeed. There are 1000's of old people like my mum who are not far off a care home but still living in their own house. With dementia and no idea about a world pandemic or self isolation.

She needs daily care and at least washed every other day. Whilst the respite service has been suspended, the family will go round there, with shopping etc but the solution we have come up with is to sit in the garden......Plenty of room to keep distance.

The regular women who does the washing bit can no longer come as her husband has now developed a cough just yesterday. So my sister takes over that duty. The facts are a certain level of contact or 'risk' has to happen......We have no choice but will reduce it as far as possible.

If anyone else has problems, ideas or needs some help and reassurance then please speak up.
You're not meant to visit family during this lockdown..

Obviously they mean for a social visit. Those family or elderly in isolation, or without a car, need food, shopping and medication. You can do that without going into their house. After getting their list over the phone, I shop for them with gloves on. I leave shopping on the doorstep with the shopping bill. I dispose of gloves. The next time, they leave the cash for the last bill in an envelope on the doorstep, when I phone them to say I'm outside. Then once they go back inside, I put the next lot of shopping on the doorstep with new bill. I also don't touch the cash they gave me for a week, any possible virus should be gone. I also wipe notes down with anti bacteria wipes to make sure. So that way you can't give the virus to each other, but you can still give some of the help needed. Most very elderly aren't on the internet or smart phone, and can't do a bank transfer, in case anyone was wondering why cash.
Obviously they mean for a social visit. Those family or elderly in isolation, or without a car, need food, shopping and medication. You can do that without going into their house. After getting their list over the phone, I shop for them with gloves on. I leave shopping on the doorstep with the shopping bill. I dispose of gloves. The next time, they leave the cash for the last bill in an envelope on the doorstep, when I phone them to say I'm outside. Then once they go back inside, I put the next lot of shopping on the doorstep with new bill. I also don't touch the cash they gave me for a week, any possible virus should be gone. I also wipe notes down with anti bacteria wipes to make sure. So that way you can't give the virus to each other, but you can still give some of the help needed. Most very elderly aren't on the internet or smart phone, and can't do a bank transfer, in case anyone was wondering why cash.

We've been trying to do her shopping on line for the last few days:

Ocado: We managed to get down to number 24,000 in the queue
Morrisons: We managed to get down to number 120,000 in the queue

The others were similar. And those are the queue to get onto the website. Even once on there's no guarantee you'll get a delivery slot.

I have a friend that works in IT for Ocado, even he can't help as they don't get any special treatment with regards to delivery slots.
We've been trying to do her shopping on line for the last few days:

Ocado: We managed to get down to number 24,000 in the queue
Morrisons: We managed to get down to number 120,000 in the queue

The others were similar. And those are the queue to get onto the website. Even once on there's no guarantee you'll get a delivery slot.

I have a friend that works in IT for Ocado, even he can't help as they don't get any special treatment with regards to delivery slots.

Yes, unfortunately, that's why they need someone to go and get shopping now.
Just a reminder that irrespective of your feelings about Boris Johnson, he has a pregnant partner, and has come into contact with probably hundreds of people over the past few weeks.
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