It is over a week since I tested positive and I feel worse than I did then.
Cold symptoms and loss of sense of taste/smell but no high temperature or trouble breathing.
There’s a lot of reports similar to this, where it gets worse in the second week. Hope you recover quickly mateIt is over a week since I tested positive and I feel worse than I did then.
Cold symptoms and loss of sense of taste/smell but no high temperature or trouble breathing.
It is over a week since I tested positive and I feel worse than I did then.
Cold symptoms and loss of sense of taste/smell but no high temperature or trouble breathing.
I don't want to sound all tin hat, but the track and trace thingy doesn't sit well with me. I'm not happy the government knows my movements. Added to this pub curfews for 10 o'clock and not meeting up in large groups. Cant help worry where is all this going?
Virtually no risk to them doesn't stop them spreading the virus to those that are at risk from it. Nobody wants to curtail kids having a good time, we all yearn for that, but ignoring the risk to others as you suggest, is more than selfish. Thankfully a lot of the young of this country do recognise their social responsibilities.
For all you conspiracy theorists out there. Here's in interesting article from Forbes magazine:
Click here
Did you know that the Russian Flu of the 1890s was blamed on the newly invented electric lightbulb? The difference was that we didn't have mass communication in those days so not as many people were exposed to that ridiculous notion. Today we would laugh at that, but that was the conspiracy theory of the day. Roll on 100 years and we'll all be laughing at people burning down 5G masts.
Even more funny is that some people advocated taking quinine to ward off the flu. Quinine is an antimalarial drug, which meant people that who were actually suffering from malaria couldn't get hold of the drug, and that the price had been inflated. Quinine is also the antecedent of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine!
I wonder if humanity will ever learn from its mistakes.
(As an aside, it was also that flu that led to the extremely famous law case of Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Company.)
'Health passports' and compulsory vaccines, that's where we're heading. That's why1. the government need to keep the fear and the lie going. If you still think all these ridiculous rules are just about 'controlling the virus', you're naive. Too much has been invested in vaccine programmes now.
2.People who are at risk (predominantly the elderly with serious underlying conditions) can protect themselves and stay at home if they want to while the rest of us get on with life, although I'm sure a lot of them probably feel life isn't worth living at the moment. Life is full of risks. At the end of the day, 3.only a tiny fraction of the people who get this virus die from it or even need hospital treatment.
1.What is the lie here exacly in your opinion?
2.What about those of pension age (like myself) who choose to go out and earn a little extra cash?
3.According to figures I saw on C4 news yesterday over 42,000 people have now died from the virus in the UK.(the figure is similar though slighly higher in Spain.France which has a similar size population to the UK is a much better basis for comparison.The death rate there is much lower.
“Seem” being the operative word. Actually, you don’t know, do you. Unless been on a fact-finding trip to Greece in recent times perchance?
The party? Thought you said parties....and full tavernas in July/Aug? Where they in attendance at all of those establishments and each and every night ?
I have friends who live and work in Greece too....
So why is the official death toll only 391 since March?
1.Saying someones death is linked to corona is not the same thing a died from the virus.
Portugal have had less than 2,000 deaths. 2.Greece only count actually Covid deaths and not those that are linked, currently just 391. In certain areas, where the super wealthy have their summer houses.....All the night clubs and tavernas were open to full capacity in July/August, yet they all seem fine.
Because they contained it better.
Current state of Covid-19 outbreak in Greece and timeline of key containment events - NPHO
The first COVID-19 case was diagnosed in Greece on February 26th. Contact tracing was initiated on the first and all subsequent confirmed cases, with all contacts being tested and isolated. On February 27th, the annual carnival in Patra (an event which draws big crowds from all over
The party? Thought you said parties....and full tavernas in July/Aug? Where they in attendance at all of those establishments and each and every night ?
I have friends who live and work in Greece too....
Sometimes Twitter is great!Trump has the virus
Trump has the virus
Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke.Trump has the virus