I have an issue with masks, I do sometimes have trouble hearing and have always looked at people's lips unless they're really quite close. For a deaf person, this is going to be absolutely awful.
For some people this move is hard to take, and some will be affected by it.
But we’ve got to remember the bigger picture here. By wearing a face covering, you’re trying to protect people. Vulnerable people.
And don’t take this the wrong way, but I’d rather you found it harder to read people’s lips, if it means the risk of you catching the virus is greatly reduced, Kay.
This can't continue forever, constant living in fear.
I’ll use my seatbelt analogy again. Would the use of a seatbelt be seen as someone living in fear?
Wearing a mask/face covering is a temporary measure, with proven scientific results. It seems that people are rejecting the science, and I really don’t know why.
Research from John Hopkins shows: