West Stand Loyal ⭐️🦐
Not disputing that figure but that doesn’t, I don’t think, take into account asymptotic carriers and those who have had it but had mild symptoms not requiring hospitalisation. Many of whom wouldn’t even have been tested. Not to mention the people who had it between Dec and Mar, where there were zero restrictions on movement in place. Pretty sure my Mum’s partner and my Nan both had it in Feb, neither were tested so don’t show up on any figures. Reasonably sure I had mild symptoms myself in early April, I isolated for 14 days. For all the talk of a “second wave” that isn’t yet reflected in any of the figures and the R rate remains under 1.As I understand it ,(both in the UK and Spain) only about 5% of the population have had the virus and survived..That's nowhere near the 60% (or so) needed to develop "herd immunity".
So we're going to need that vaccine.
Is this the time for complacency? Hell no!!