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Would you welcome Ched to Roots Hall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 76 52.4%
  • No

    Votes: 61 42.1%
  • Bart

    Votes: 8 5.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It would be interesting to run the poll again. Would you welcome Ched Evans to Roots Hall?
I would but only if we could offload a couple of strikers to Chesterfield in the process.

Jason Williams and David Mooney? Lucky guess on my part if it is.
Evans was found guilty by a jury and then cleared by a jury. Both times evidence and witnesses contributed to the outcomes of both trials. I found it incredible that some on here are implying that our legal system and trial by jury aren't as good as their opinion on the case.
The CPS need to take a look at themselves here. So many of us said at the outset that there didn't seem to be a case to answer. It was more of a vendetta against a"celebrity", in this case, a footballer.
He lied to get a key to the hotel room, didn't speak to the girl at all while in the act, knew she was extremely intoxicated, then left by a fire escape. His brother and mate were trying to film it from outside the room. And Ched did all this knowing he had a girlfriend at home.

If it isn't rape, it's still pretty despicable and I am not pleased for him. Did he deserve what he got? No. Does he deserved to be treated like a hero? Certainly not. Was the victim's sexual past relevant to the trial? No.

The girl has also been to hell and back, I hope she hasn't looked at social media today. Will it stop women coming forward in the future if they are raped or sexually assaulted? Almost certainly.

Nobody wins.
Jai, he doesn't come out of this with any credit. Please don't get me, or others pleased the case has fallen, wrong. None of those involved come out with any credit. The whole scenario of "shagging a celebrity" or taking advantage of being a celebrity to get a shag is sordid and nasty, people need to learn to have a bit more respect for themselves and others. There was never a case though.
If the girl did indeed lie and knew what she was doing then that is of course terrible and deeply worrying but if she genuinely woke up feeling violated and went to the police for help, this whole saga is going to ruin her life.

What worries me the most is the wave of mysogny on social media from mainly young men, who seem to be holding Evans up as some kind of hero among men. Some of the tweets have been sickening. I notice Joey Barton got involved too and as we all know, a good rule to go by in life is that whatever Joey Barton says, the opposite is true.

Evans should never have put himself in the position where consent was even ever in question.
yes you have, and they got it wrong first time round didn't they, sending an innocent man to jail. Shows that even if innocent, you are likely screwed because a bunch of 12 people from the public are asked to judge on something that in some cases can mean life in jail for someone

To be clear, the original jury convicted on the basis of the evidence presented to them. The new jury didn't convict on the basis of the new evidence presented to them. To say the original jury got it wrong is unfair. It's also impossible to say what the original jury would have done had they have been presented with the new evidence. Further, it is impossible to say what the new jury would have done without the new evidence.
Life and career wasted because of a silly slag crying rape. Lock her up

Saw plenty of these "comments" on twitter last (#chedevans) but honestly wasn't expecting to see it on this forum.

Still, i'll ask - lock her up for what? She never once said she had been raped. Case driven by CPS
Well, well, well....

I'm sure those who put blind faith in a 12-person-jury, and lambasted Evans, will learn a lesson. From now on, If applicable, utilise common sense, and don't rely on strangers to tell you how to think.
Saw plenty of these "comments" on twitter last (#chedevans) but honestly wasn't expecting to see it on this forum.

Still, i'll ask - lock her up for what? She never once said she had been raped. Case driven by CPS

She (allegedly) posted excitable tweets, boasting about a subsequent windfall, after Evans' origional sentencing. It doesn't make her guilty, but it doesn't paint her in a great light, at the very least
I found it incredible that some on here are implying that our legal system and trial by jury aren't as good as their opinion on the case.

I told a story on one thread, about how I knew first hand, that trials by jury aren't all they're cracked up to be. And furthermore, just because 12-people have seen (lack of) evidence, that doesn't mean a lot either.
The girl has also been to hell and back.

2 weeks after the Evans encounter, she was having consensual sex again. Im not a psychological profiler, but that behaviour, at the very least, seems odd, no?

I feel sorry for the genuine rape victims, because it's incidents like this, which make justice harder for them.
I told a story on one thread, about how I knew first hand, that trials by jury aren't all they're cracked up to be. And furthermore, just because 12-people have seen (lack of) evidence, that doesn't mean a lot either.

Right. So what do you suggest we replace it with?
She (allegedly) posted excitable tweets, boasting about a subsequent windfall, after Evans' origional sentencing. It doesn't make her guilty, but it doesn't paint her in a great light, at the very least

So we should prosecute for people's actions who don't "paint them in a great light"? Courts will be a lot busier then.

The new "witnesses" include family friends of Evans, and it is now revealed (not allegedly, but fact) that his fiancée was offering "incentives" for evidence to help his case. That wouldn't paint him in a good light either.
I'm just glad we've got so many keenly legal minds here. If worst comes to worst and us Southend fans do have to take legal action to secure the future of the football club, we need look no further than this thread when assembling our crack legal team.
Ched will be playing, and starting in the Chesterfield team as they do seem to really need a goal scorer.
I hope many football fans will let the lad get on with his career; and that he keeps his head held high, mouth shut and repays Chesterfield's faith with some hard work on and off the field of play.