Life President
Which act ?Really i thought we were the co-creators and that it needed agreement by the Scottish Parliment as well as the English one. to long the union has been protrayed as an English act. when in fact it was both sides who wanted the benefit such a Union would create.
After all we had out monarchy taken over by the Scottish King over a Century before the Act of the Union.
I have also surprisingly found that it was the Whigs(later to become the Liberals) that supported the Union whereas the Tories were against it.
It is strange that BNP and the NF use the Union Flag more than they do the St Georges flag but it is the latter that we feel is associated with racism.
1609 union of the crowns is James way of extending his power , and saying God made me like this honest guv, and the Stuart line, asi n those days it didnt matter what nationality you were just you had the lord's , and dukes on your side and cash .
Cromwell's unification act does bring a unified parliament (devolved by Charles II) for England and his Parliment
1707 the parliament unification act , wanted by the poorer Scot's and taken on by the growing Empire of the time (also to reducde Scotlands friendly chummyness with France ) .
Most of it suited England
The Whig's as the Tories of the 18th C bare little resemblance to those of Churchill's time never mind now ;)