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  1. Irish_Shrimper

    The Xbox 360 and PS3 gamertag thread

    For those of us on here who play on Xbox live, or the Playstation equivalent, I thought it would be good if we all put our gamertags here so we can add eachother, set up some competitions etc. Mine for Xbox Live is PsychoWilson1...aptly named after our former left back :D
  2. Tommy2holes

    ps2 on ps3 and xbox on xbox360

    Does anybody know if ps2 and xbox games play on ps3 or xbox 360. Thanks 2holes
  3. Medway Blue

    Any PS3 online experts around?

    Got one for my birthday today, but after a whole day of trying, I can't get the bugger to connect to my home network. It locates the network, which has 4 laptops running off of it perfectly well, obtains the router's IP address (although only when the IP address is put into the PS3 manually -...
  4. Ayrshire Blue

    Screen Resolution/Size

    I bought a HDMI cable for my PS3 today, All works fine and the picture is fantastic but .... The screen has squashed and I now have to black slips at either side of the screen. I've gone into the settings in the PS3 and can't seem to change it. Any suggestions ? ? Thanks in advance.
  5. seany t

    I played the new Pro Evo on the PS3 last night...

    Not very good, is it? As a die hard Pro Evo fan, it seemed fundamentally the same as the version of the game I bought on the PS2 4 years ago. But with slightly delayed controls. And a lack of speed. And a ref who sent you off for a slight "X" tackle. And with the ability to do short passes...
  6. Hotman

    Broadband Suppliers

    I'm at the point of changing supplier, tiscali have been w***y and I have finally got my MAC code. Problem is that I live in a relatively remote area that is not Local Loop Unbundled, so I can't get any of the cheapy deals like O2 / Sky etc (when I go on their websites I can only get a £18...
  7. Andy_S

    The age old question - Fifa or PES?

    Good people of the Zone I seek your help. yes I know this is a topic that's always repeated, but I still can't make up my mind from the previous threads the other week. After downloading the demos for Fifa & PES for the PS3 I'm stuck as to which one to buy. They both seem a big improvement on...
  8. xbox 360 or PS3

    Been out of the console loop for a while now, and was planning on investing on a 360 as they are now only £130 with fifa, si this as good as value as it seems? or is it worth spending more/holding out for a PS3? also if im spending £130 on an arcade 360, should i spend the extra £30 and get the...
  9. ozzy-shrimper

    Fifa 09

    Anyone have it on the ps3 and is up for a game put your ids here. Ozzy968 :)
  10. Kenny

    Pro Evo 2009

    Demo is up for download tomorrow on XBOX360 or PS3 from the Store. Freddie is in the Wales squad!.......kinda. Da Da Da DA, Freddie....Eatonbrook. (Thankfully edit mode is supposed to be amazing this year...) I'll see if I can find any screenshots of Leon Cort in the Stoke squad.
  11. Fifa 2009 Demo

    For any Fifa players out there the demo is now out for download on PS3, not sure if the Xbox 360 has released it yet, am downloading it now. This years Fifa looks amazing and I can't wait to play it.
  12. fredheim_holm

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Class game this. Only had about 8 hours gameplay on it but loving it so far. Definate purchase for any PS3 owners and a reason for people to buy the console at last. Anyone else got this?
  13. Games Consoles

    I am caught in many minds about whether to buy an XBOX or PS3 or just stick with the Wii and get more games for it. I thought ill seek the advice of such esteemed people and see what you lot think. What do you have and what do you think is best? I am heading towards getting a XBOX atm as i...
  14. TheSouthendUnitedRunner

    Time Crisis

    Chaps and chaparoos, As part of my birthday on sunday, as well as having my season ticket paid for I've been given some cash so I'm off to Lakeside at some point this week. I'm planning on getting GTA but also saw Time Crisis is out. I've got a PS3. Has anyone got this? Anyone know if its...
  15. Bielzibubz

    Silent Hill V coming to the 360 and PS3

    Coming in the 4th quarter of this year is what is hotly anticipated to be one of the smash hits of both consoles to date. For anyone that's played the original Silent Hill games on the Xbox and PS2 you'll know what I mean and what to expect. To say they were possibly THE scariest and...
  16. Grand Theft Auto IV

    Only four weeks left before one of the biggest video game releases of all time. Rockstar have just (literally 15 minutes ago) put the final trailer up on their website and the game certainly looks good. http://www.rockstargames.com/IV/#?page=videos&content=trailer4 They have their critics, but...
  17. blues_r_best

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    Looks beautiful
  18. ozzy-shrimper

    PS3 Call Of Duty 4

    Anyone have it? Thinking of staring up a group on it as im getting pretty bored playing with total strangers. Anyone have a PS3 and play online? Leave your PSN id on this list and il add you: Also leave what games you play. PSN: Ozzy968
  19. Slipperduke

    PS3 or XBOX 360

    Once again, I must call upon the collective brain of ShrimperZone. I've finally finished my book and the second installment of what I can only loosely term an advance is on its way to my bank account. Now, I could do a lot of thing swith this. I could pay off my credit card, I could go on...
  20. fredheim_holm

    Paypal help

    I'm thinking of setting up a paypal account as I want to sell a few ps3 games. Just looking at this page and saw that there is a withdrawal fee for the UK. What exactly does that mean? Is it when you've added funds to your account, but you want to take these back out and put them in your bank...