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  1. Mad Cyril

    Best cold food

    I over ordered on the pizza front yesterday and have just eaten a cold Pizza Hut supreme pizza after 3 hours mountain biking. Is there a better dish eaten cold?
  2. Cheeky mouse

    We have moved in above my wifes restuarant and we seem to have lots of mice so i have put sachets of poison down and grain poison in pipes because they like dark places and i put nine small wooden traps out baited with mellon but one trap has been eaten twice with out setting it off so any...
  3. Things you wouldn't have done only if you knew....

    Things you would never have done if only you had known...... I will kick it off with "I would never have eaten danish bacon if i'd known" http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/10/13/sex-animals-banned-denmark_n_5975828.html?1413199994
  4. Doughnut Dash - in aid of Kidney Research UK

    5 kilometres, 5 doughnuts – Have you got what it takes? The Challenge To run 5k, stopping to consume a whole ring doughnut at every kilometer (5 doughnuts in total!). Each doughnut has to be eaten before continuing with the run, so no eating while running. On completion of each doughnut, you...
  5. fbm

    Lifestyle change - who's with me?

    Holidays soon (can't wait) and then I will be undertaking a serious lifestyle change. This year has been a year of drama for me and unfortunately, I haven't eaten anywhere near as healthily this year as I would like due to a lack of time, quite a lot of convenience food and the pounds have...
  6. Mad Cyril

    Places you've eaten.

    Wok and grill, Southend. 5/10. Not great.
  7. Horse meat

    Would you (knowingly) eat it? I know the Frenchies chow down on Black Beauty, but for some reason us Brits baulk at the idea. I'd try it quite happily - eaten all manner of beasties in my travels, so why not this one?
  8. Lion loose in Essex eats Moshni

    I have just read Moshni has been eaten by a lion on the loose in the local area
  9. Not Happy Today

    Pancake day today, unless you are OBL who has a 2 day pancake fest as Kev is working lates tonight and, owing to on-going health problems for me, it's Beef Stew Day instead. Perhaps the mountains of pancakes with lemon and sugar I have eaten over many years haven't helped. :sad:
  10. londonblue

    Am I Now Officially an Old Man?

    I have got fed up with walking on the kitchen floor after my kids have just eaten, and finding that my socks have picked up every crumb. I have therefore just purchased a pair of slippers from M&S. So, good people of Shrimperzone, does that make me an old man, or just practical?
  11. canveyshrimper

    Harry's Nostalgia - North Bank Memories

    With the imminent return to the North Bank, albeit for two games I thought I'd share a few memories with you, while I still have them that is. Firstly though a big well done to Smiffy, TrueBlue and all the others who have worked hard to achieve this. :clap: From the first day I stepped into...
  12. southend4ever


    Dreams irritate me and frustrate me. Sometimes I cannot remember dreams and I am left scratching my balding head wondering what or who I was dreaming about. Other times I remember dreams that are not pleasant and make me question why I had a certain dream. When I was in my teens I had a...
  13. southend4ever

    Awkward moments at work

    Being aroused at work... Has this happened to you? So there we are sitting at the desk drifting after lunch on a cold winter's day as I normally do and I start thinking of smashing 7 shades out of Jennifer Lopez. I naturally get barred up and excited with a little smirk rising and a bulge in...
  14. Slipperduke

    I Heart Phil Brown

    As a fan of Southend United, the latest minnow to struggle for air in the small time, I tend to enjoy the misery of Premier League clubs more than most. Newcastle United's demise was particularly pleasing, given the arrogance of Freddy Shepherd towards the lower leagues. It's just a shame he...
  15. Southampton Shrimper

    Restaurant in Southend

    I have a birthday coming up and was hoping to celebrate it in style with a few friends going for one of these Blues Lounge packages at one of the home games either side of the big day, which would be Leyton Orient or Leeds. But then Essex Police go and spoil everything by moving the games to...
  16. DTS

    Is it pikey to eat food in a supermarket before you have paid for it.

    Decided to treat Mrs DtS to a nice home cooked meal last night. Went to my local branch of Sainsburys and decided to purchase my produce (Some Squid, Salad and Fizzy Water for those of you that are interested). As I was in there I noticed a woman who was a larger lady and nature had not been...
  17. Charlie Choys

    Evening Campers. I've just heard about this place and am due to go there at the weekend. I don't know anyone that's eaten there, so has anybody on here been? I guess it's above the old MVC shop? Cheers
  18. CC51DAS

    Question Chelsea: Will we be allowed in if we are inebriated ?

    Mate of mine who has been to the Bridge a few times tells me they are very hot on refusing admission to people who appear to have had a few too many. Apparently at a Boxing Day fixture one of his mates was refused entry and he'd only eaten a couple of his Nan's mince pies which had been laced...
  19. Christmas injuries.

    Up at 7.30 no probs,presents opened and put together no probs.Big dinner cooked and eaten no probs,start pudding and open a bottle of champers at the table,cork explodes upwards hits the ceiling and hits my four yr old on the hand,much crying,much pain,oopps bad daddy. Any over accidents on the...
  20. chadded

    The 'Stan

    First of all, I'm writing this from my perspective of the last six months, I'm no hero, but plenty of my collegues are. Hopefully no one will think I'm writing this is order to show off, or to earn rep. Indeed, please don't rep me for this at all. I realise I'm probably not the only serviceman...