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  1. Alderton

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but we've signed Terry Alderton.
  2. sealion

    Graham Taylor's team selection

    Sky one the Match Terry Alderton-Southend's finest-reserve 'keeper for the final 11. Taylor-you mug!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hockley_Blues

    The Match

    Anyone else watching the match on sky one right now? Great to see Terry Alderton plugging the team and proudly wearing the hallowed shirt
  4. Clarky_Blues

    Terry Alderton

    Terry Alderton is currently appearing in the above programme.  Everything he is wearing seems to be SUFC related.  Tracksuit, training tops and this seasons home shirt. I have seem him at a few games in the past. He used to play for us in net!
  5. overseas shrimper

    Terry Alderton in Malta

    Terry Alderton's been in Malta for a show and he's due to go on a radio station over here for a live chat. The station concerned know about Southend United due to myself and Mrs. OS spreading the gospel. I'll be furnishing the presenters with some SUFC trivia to question Terry on...
  6. Napster

    Last night

    Managed to get on a table with Corbett, Hunt and Wozza. The fans were myself, Barry H, Terryinthewest, Robin Michels and someone whose name escapes me in my hungover state. First off, Gower spills Barry's beer. Oooh you wide midfielder. Anyway, the food was OK, the comedian hilarious...
  7. Matt the Shrimp

    Worst XI

    OK, since we've got a favourite XI (which is, invariably, a "best XI") let's have a "Worst XI"... and what would the score be in a match between the two sides? Here's my Worst XI: Prudhoe Cross Morley Jordan Booty Connelly Alderton Gooding Livett...